2024-05-06 19:33:33 +08:00

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* FILENAME: LocalizerV2
* DESCRIPTION: main 6D localization algorithm
* AUTHOR: Miguel Abreu (m.abreu@fe.up.pt)
* DATE: 2021
* ===================================================================================
* ===================================================================================
* References can be obtained from:
* - landmarks (which are identified by the server and can be corner flags or goal posts)
* - line segments (which are always on the ground) (hereinafter referred to as lines)
* - feet contact points (we are assuming the contact point is on the ground plane)
* When partial information is available, it is used to change the head position (e.g. translation in x/y/z may be updated
* without visual information). However, the transformation matrix (including the translation) are not changed, because
* this would affect the perceived position of previously seen objects. For this reason, the worldstate should not rely
* on the head position to convert relative to absolute coordinates. Instead, it should only use transformation matrix,
* or internal conversion methods. The head position can still be used for other purposes, such as machine learning.
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 0. Perform basic tasks and checks
* Excluded scenarios:
* 0 landmarks & <2 lines - it's a requirement from step 1
* 0 lines - step 1 allows this if there are 3 ground refs but the only marginally common
* option would be 2 feet and a corner (which is undesirable)
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 1. Find the Z axis orientation vector (and add it to the preliminary transformation matrix):
* 1.1. there are >= 3 noncollinear ground references (z=0)
* ASSUMPTION: the ground references are not collinear. Why?
* If we see 2 lines their endpoints are never collinear.
* If we see one and we are on top of it, the feet contact points can cause collinearity but it is very rare.
* SOLUTION: Find the best fitting ground plane's normal vector using Singular Value Decomposition
* 1.2. there are < 3 noncollinear ground references (z=0)
* Possible combinations:
* If there is 1 corner flag, either we have >= 3 ground references, or it is impossible.
* So, below, we assume there are 0 corner flags.
* | 0 lines + 0/1/2 feet | 1 line + 0 feet |
* -------------|------------------------|------------------|
* 0 goalposts | ----- | ----- | (Only 1 line: there is no way of identifying it)
* 1 goalpost | ----- | A,C | (1 goalpost and 0/1/2 feet: infinite solutions)
* 2 goalposts | * | B,C |
* If it sees 1 or 2 goalposts and only 1 line, we assume for A & B that it is the endline (aka goal line)
* 1.2.A. IF IT IS THE GOALLINE. Find the line's nearest point (p) to the goalpost (g), Zvec = (g-p) / |Zvec|
* 1.2.B. IF IT IS THE GOALLINE. Find the line's nearest point (p) to the goalposts (g1,g2) midpoint (m), Zvec = (m-p) / |Zvec|
* (This solution is more accurate than using only 1 goalpost. Even m is more accurate, on average, than g1 or g2.)
* 1.2.C. IF IT IS NOT THE GOALLINE. There are 3 options:
* I - There are 2 goalposts (crossbar line) and an orthogonal line:
* Zvec = crossbar x line (or) line x crossbar (depending of the direction of both vectors)
* II - Other situation if the z translation coordinate was externally provided through machine learning:
* Find any horizontal line (e.g. line between 2 goalposts, or ground line)
* Let M be any mark with known absolute z, and let Z be the externally provided z coordinate:
* Find Zvec such that (HorLine.Zvec=0) and (Zvec.Mrel=Mabsz-Z)
* III - If z was not provided:
* Skip to last step.
* 1.2.*. This scenario was tested and it is not valid. In certain body positions there are two solutions, and even though
* one is correct and generally yields lower error, the other one is a local optimum outside the field. One could
* exclude the out-of-field solution with some mildly expensive modifications to the optimization's error function,
* but the out-of-field scenario is not unrealistic, so this is not the way. Adding an external z source could help
* increasing the error of the wrong local optimum, but it may not be enough. Another shortcoming of this scenario is
* when we see the goalposts from the opposite goal, creating large visual error.
* 1.3. impossible / not implemented: in this case skip to last step
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 2. Compute z:
* Here's what we know about the transformation matrix so far:
* | - | - | - | - |
* | - | - | - | - |
* | zx | zy | zz | ? | We want to know the translation in z
* | 0 | 0 | 0 | 1 |
* Given a random point (p) with known relative coordinates and known absolute z coordinate,
* we can find the translation in z:
* p.relx * zx + p.rely * zy + p.relz * zz + ? = p.absz
* If we do this for every point, we can then average z
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 3. Compute a rough estimate for entire transformation (2 first rows):
* Solution quality for possible combinations:
* short line (length < 0.5m) *hard to detect orientation, *generated displacement error is insuficient for optimization
* long line (length >= 0.5m)
* | 0 landmarks | 1 goalpost | 1 corner | >= 2 landmarks |
* -----------------|---------------|--------------|------------|----------------|
* 0 long lines | --- | --- | --- | A |
* 1 long line | --- | B+ | B | A |
* 2 long lines | B | B+ | B++ | A |
* A - the solution is unique
* - Compute the X-axis and Y-axis orientation from 2 landmarks
* - Average the translation for every visible landmark
* - Fine-tune XY translation/rotation
* B - there is more than 1 solution, so we use the last known position as reference
* Minimum Requirements:
* - longest line must be >1.6m so that we can extract the orientation (hor/ver) while not being mistaken for a ring line
* - there is exactly 1 plausible solution
* Notes:
* B+ (the solution is rarely unique)
* B++ (the solution is virtually unique but cannot be computed with the algorithm for A scenarios)
* - Find 4 possible orientations based on the longest line (which should be either aligned with X or Y)
* - Determine reasonable initial translation:
* - If the agent sees 1 landmark: compute XY translation for each of the 4 orientations based on that 1 landmark
* - If the agent sees 0 landmarks: use last known position
* Note: Why not use always last known position if that is a criterion in the end?
* Because in this stage it would only delay the optimization.
* - Optimize the X/Y translation for every possible orientation
* - Perform quality assessment
* Plausible solution if:
* - Optimization converged to local minimum
* - Distance to last known position <50cm (applicable if no visible landmarks)
* - Mapping error <0.12m/point
* - Given the agent's FOV, inverse mapping error <0.2m/point (disabled in V2)
* NOTE: If there is 1 landmark, plausibility is defined by mapping errors, not distance to last known pos. So if
* one guess has the only acceptable mapping error, but is the farthest from previous position, it is still chosen.
* However, if >1 guess has acceptable mapping error, the 0.5m threshold is used to eliminate candidates.
* Likely if:
* - Plausible
* - Distance to last known position <30cm (applicable if no visible landmarks)
* - Mapping error <0.06m/point
* - Given the agent's FOV, inverse mapping error <0.1m/point (not currently active)
* - Choose likely solution if all others are not even plausible
* - Fine-tune XY translation/rotation
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 4. Identify visible elements and perform 2nd fine tune based on distance probabilites
* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* Last step. Analyze preliminary transformation matrix to update final matrices
* For the reasons stated in the beginning (see warning), if the preliminary matrix was not entirely set, the
* actual transformation matrix will not be changed. But the head position will always reflect the latest changes.
* ===================================================================================
* ===================================================================================
* ================================PROBABILITY DENSITY================================
* For 1 distance measurement from RCSSSERVER3D:
* Error E = d/100 * A~N(0,0.0965^2) + B~U(-0.005,0.005)
* PDF[d/100 * A](w) = PDF[N(0,(d/100 * 0.0965)^2)](w)
* PDF[E](w) = PDF[N(0,(d/100 * 0.0965)^2)](w) convoluted with PDF[U(-0.005,0.005)](w)
* where d is the distance from a given [p]oint (px,py,pz) to the [o]bject (ox,oy,oz)
* and w is the [m]easurement error: w = d-measurement = sqrt((px-ox)^2+(py-oy)^2+(pz-oz)^2) - measurement
* PDF[E](w) -> PDF[E](p,o,m)
* ---------------------------------------------------------------
* For n independent measurements:
* PDF[En](p,on,mn) = PDF[E1](p,o1,m1) * PDF[E2](p,o2,m2) * PDF[E3](p,o3,m3) * ...
* ---------------------------------------------------------------
* Adding z estimation:
* PDF[zE](wz) = PDF[N(mean,std^2)](wz)
* where wz is the zError = estz - pz
* PDF[zE](wz) -> PDF[zE](pz,estz)
* PDF[En](p,on,mn,estz) = PDF[En](p,on,mn) * PDF[zE](pz,estz)
* ===================================================================================
* =====================================GRADIENT======================================
* Grad(PDF[En](p,on,mn,estz)) wrt p = Grad( PDF[E1](p,o1,m1) * ... * PDF[E2](p,on,mn) * PDF[zE](pz,estz)) wrt {px,py,pz}
* Generalizing the product rule for n factors, we have:
* Grad(PDF[En](p,on,mn)) wrt p = sum(gradPDF[Ei] / PDF[Ei]) * prod(PDF[Ei])
* Grad(PDF[En](p,on,mn)) wrt p = sum(gradPDF[Ei] / PDF[Ei]) * PDF[En](p,on,mn)
* note that: gradPDF[zE](pz,estz) wrt {px,py,pz} = {0,0,d/d_pz}
* ===================================================================================
* */
#pragma once
#include "Singleton.h"
#include "Field.h"
#include "Matrix4D.h"
#include "FieldNoise.h"
#include <gsl/gsl_multifit.h> //Linear least-squares fitting
#include <gsl/gsl_linalg.h> //Singular value decomposition
#include <gsl/gsl_multimin.h> //Multidimensional minimization
class LocalizerV2 {
friend class Singleton<LocalizerV2>;
* Compute 3D position and 3D orientation
* sets "is_uptodate" to true if there is new information available (rotation+translation)
* If no new information is available, the last known position is provided
void run();
* Print report (average errors + solution analysis)
void print_report() const;
* Transformation matrices
* They are initialized as 4x4 identity matrices
const Matrix4D &headTofieldTransform = final_headTofieldTransform; // rotation + translation
const Matrix4D &headTofieldRotate = final_headTofieldRotate; // rotation
const Matrix4D &fieldToheadTransform = final_fieldToheadTransform; // rotation + translation
const Matrix4D &fieldToheadRotate = final_fieldToheadRotate; // rotation
* Head position
* translation part of headTofieldTransform
const Vector3f &head_position = final_translation;
* True if head_position and the transformation matrices are up to date
* (false if this is not a visual step, or not enough elements are visible)
const bool &is_uptodate = _is_uptodate;
* Number of simulation steps since last update (see is_uptodate)
* If (is_uptodate==true) then "steps_since_last_update" is zero
const unsigned int &steps_since_last_update = _steps_since_last_update;
* Head z coordinate
* This variable is often equivalent to head_position.z, but sometimes it differs.
* There are situations in which the rotation and translation cannot be computed,
* but the z-coordinate can still be found through vision.
* It should be used in applications which rely on z as an independent coordinate,
* such as detecting if the robot has fallen, or as machine learning observations.
* It should not be used for 3D transformations.
const float &head_z = final_z;
* Since head_z can be computed in situations where self-location is impossible,
* this variable is set to True when head_z is up to date
const bool &is_head_z_uptodate = _is_head_z_uptodate;
* Transform relative to absolute coordinates using headTofieldTransform
* @return absolute coordinates
Vector3f relativeToAbsoluteCoordinates(const Vector3f relativeCoordinates) const;
* Transform absolute to relative coordinates using fieldToheadTransform
* @return relative coordinates
Vector3f absoluteToRelativeCoordinates(const Vector3f absoluteCoordinates) const;
* Get 3D velocity (based on last n 3D positions)
* @param n number of last positions to evaluate (min 1, max 9)
* Example for n=3:
* current position: p0 (current time step)
* last position: p1 (typically* 3 time steps ago)
* position before: p2 (typically* 6 time steps ago)
* position before: p3 (typically* 9 time steps ago)
* RETURN value: p0-p3
* *Note: number of actual time steps depends on server configuration and whether
* the agent was able to self-locate on the last n visual steps
* @return 3D velocity vector
Vector3f get_velocity(unsigned int n) const;
* Get last known head z coordinate
* Note: this variable is based on head_z. It can be used as an independent coordinate,
* but it should not be used for 3D transformations, as it may be out of sync with
* the x and y coordinates. (see head_z)
* @return last known head z coordinate
float get_last_head_z() const {return last_z;}
//============================================================================ main private methods
bool find_z_axis_orient_vec(); //returns true if successful
void fit_ground_plane();
void find_z(const Vector3f& Zvec);
bool find_xy();
bool guess_xy();
bool fine_tune_aux(float &initial_angle, float &initial_x, float &initial_y, bool use_probabilities);
bool fine_tune(float initial_angle, float initial_x, float initial_y);
static double map_error_logprob(const gsl_vector *v, void *params);
static double map_error_2d(const gsl_vector *v, void *params);
void commit_everything();
//=================================================================== private transformation matrix
//PRELIMINARY MATRIX - where all operations are stored
//if the algorithm is not successful, the final matrix is not modified
void prelim_reset();
Matrix4D prelimHeadToField = Matrix4D(); //initialized as identity matrix
//FINAL MATRIX - the user has access to a public const reference of the variables below
Matrix4D final_headTofieldTransform; // rotation + translation
Matrix4D final_headTofieldRotate; // rotation
Matrix4D final_fieldToheadTransform; // rotation + translation
Matrix4D final_fieldToheadRotate; // rotation
Vector3f final_translation; //translation
float final_z; //independent z translation (may be updated more often)
//=============================================================================== useful statistics
std::array<Vector3f, 10> position_history;
unsigned int position_history_ptr = 0;
float last_z = 0.5;
unsigned int _steps_since_last_update = 0;
bool _is_uptodate = false;
bool _is_head_z_uptodate = false;
//================================================================================ debug statistics
int stats_sample_position_error(const Vector3f sample, const Vector3f& cheat, double error_placeholder[]);
void stats_reset();
double errorSum_fineTune_before[7] = {0}; //[0,1,2]- xyz err sum, [3]-2D err sum, [4]-2D err sq sum, [5]-3D err sum, [6]-3D err sq sum
double errorSum_fineTune_euclidianDist[7] = {0}; //[0,1,2]- xyz err sum, [3]-2D err sum, [4]-2D err sq sum, [5]-3D err sum, [6]-3D err sq sum
double errorSum_fineTune_probabilistic[7] = {0}; //[0,1,2]- xyz err sum, [3]-2D err sum, [4]-2D err sq sum, [5]-3D err sum, [6]-3D err sq sum
double errorSum_ball[7] = {0}; //[0,1,2]- xyz err sum, [3]-2D err sum, [4]-2D err sq sum, [5]-3D err sum, [6]-3D err sq sum
int counter_fineTune = 0;
int counter_ball = 0;
enum STATE{NONE, RUNNING, MINFAIL, BLIND, FAILzNOgoal, FAILzLine, FAILz, FAILtune, FAILguessLine, FAILguessNone, FAILguessMany, FAILguessTest, DONE, ENUMSIZE};
STATE state = NONE;
void stats_change_state(enum STATE s);
int state_counter[STATE::ENUMSIZE] = {0};
typedef Singleton<LocalizerV2> SLocalizerV2;