2024-05-06 19:33:33 +08:00

532 lines
22 KiB

#include "Field.h"
#include "RobovizLogger.h"
#include "World.h"
static World& world = SWorld::getInstance();
//=========================================================================== constexpr definitions
decltype(Field::cRingLineLength) constexpr Field::cRingLineLength;
decltype(Field::cPenaltyBoxDistX) constexpr Field::cPenaltyBoxDistX;
decltype(Field::cHalfPenaltyWidth) constexpr Field::cHalfPenaltyWidth;
decltype(Field::cHalfGoalWidth) constexpr Field::cHalfGoalWidth;
decltype(Field::cHalfFielfLength) constexpr Field::cHalfFielfLength;
decltype(Field::cGoalWidth) constexpr Field::cGoalWidth;
decltype(Field::cGoalDepth) constexpr Field::cGoalDepth;
decltype(Field::cGoalHeight) constexpr Field::cGoalHeight;
decltype(Field::cFieldLength) constexpr Field::cFieldLength;
decltype(Field::cFieldWidth) constexpr Field::cFieldWidth;
decltype(Field::cPenaltyLength) constexpr Field::cPenaltyLength;
decltype(Field::cPenaltyWidth) constexpr Field::cPenaltyWidth;
decltype(Field::cFieldLineSegments::list) constexpr Field::cFieldLineSegments::list;
decltype(Field::cFieldPoints::list) constexpr Field::cFieldPoints::list;
//non-constexpr definitions
decltype(Field::list_8_landmarks::list) Field::list_8_landmarks::list;
//=============================================================================== Drawing utilities
* Draw estimates of all visible lines, markers, self position and ball
* */
void Field::draw_visible(const Matrix4D& headToFieldT, bool is_right_side) const{
return draw_visible_switch(headToFieldT);
string draw_name = "localization";
RobovizLogger* roboviz = RobovizLogger::Instance();
roboviz->init(); // only initialized when draw_visible is called (only happens once)
//--------------------------------- Print all lines, whether they were identified or not
for(const Line6f& l : list_segments) {
Vector3f s = headToFieldT * l.startc;
Vector3f e = headToFieldT * l.endc;
roboviz->drawLine(s.x, s.y, s.z, e.x, e.y, e.z, 1, 0.8,0,0, &draw_name);
//--------------------------------- Print identified line segments, with their fixed abs coordinates
for(const auto& s : list_known_segments){
Vector3f mid = Vector3f::determineMidpoint(s.point[0].absPos.get_vector(), s.point[1].absPos.get_vector());
string line_name(s.fieldSegment->name);
roboviz->drawAnnotation(&line_name,mid.x,mid.y,mid.z, 0,1,0,&draw_name);
roboviz->drawLine(s.point[0].absPos.x, s.point[0].absPos.y, s.point[0].absPos.z,
s.point[1].absPos.x, s.point[1].absPos.y, s.point[1].absPos.z, 3, 0,0.8,0, &draw_name);
for(const auto& m : list_known_markers){
string line_name(m.fieldPt->name);
roboviz->drawAnnotation(&line_name,m.absPos.x, m.absPos.y, m.absPos.z+1, 1,0,0,&draw_name);
roboviz->drawLine(m.absPos.x, m.absPos.y, m.absPos.z,
m.absPos.x, m.absPos.y, m.absPos.z+0.5, 1, 0.8,0.8,0.8, &draw_name);
for(const auto& m : list_unknown_markers){
string line_name = "!";
roboviz->drawAnnotation(&line_name,m.absPos.x, m.absPos.y, m.absPos.z+1, 1,0,0,&draw_name);
roboviz->drawLine(m.absPos.x, m.absPos.y, m.absPos.z,
m.absPos.x, m.absPos.y, m.absPos.z+0.5, 1, 0.8,0.8,0.8, &draw_name);
//--------------------------------- Draw player and ball arrows
Vector3f me = headToFieldT.toVector3f();
roboviz->drawLine(me.x, me.y, me.z, me.x, me.y, me.z+0.5, 2,1,0,0,&draw_name);
roboviz->drawLine(me.x, me.y, me.z, me.x-0.2, me.y, me.z+0.2, 2,1,0,0,&draw_name);
roboviz->drawLine(me.x, me.y, me.z, me.x+0.2, me.y, me.z+0.2, 2,1,0,0,&draw_name);
//There is no need to draw the ball position here (but it works well)
/*static Vector3f last_known_ball_pos = Vector3f();
last_known_ball_pos = headToFieldT * world.ball_rel_pos_cart;
Vector3f &b = last_known_ball_pos;
roboviz->drawLine(b.x, b.y, b.z, b.x, b.y, b.z+0.5, 2,1,1,0,&draw_name);
roboviz->drawLine(b.x, b.y, b.z, b.x-0.2, b.y, b.z+0.2, 2,1,1,0,&draw_name);
roboviz->drawLine(b.x, b.y, b.z, b.x+0.2, b.y, b.z+0.2, 2,1,1,0,&draw_name);*/
* Draw estimates of all visible lines, markers, self position and ball, but switch field sides
* */
void Field::draw_visible_switch(const Matrix4D& headToFieldT) const{
string draw_name = "localization";
RobovizLogger* roboviz = RobovizLogger::Instance();
roboviz->init(); // only initialized when draw_visible is called (only happens once)
//--------------------------------- Print all lines, whether they were identified or not
for(const Line6f& l : list_segments) {
Vector3f s = headToFieldT * l.startc;
Vector3f e = headToFieldT * l.endc;
roboviz->drawLine(-s.x, -s.y, s.z, -e.x, -e.y, e.z, 1, 0.8,0,0, &draw_name);
//--------------------------------- Print identified line segments, with their fixed abs coordinates
for(const auto& s : list_known_segments){
Vector3f mid = Vector3f::determineMidpoint(s.point[0].absPos.get_vector(), s.point[1].absPos.get_vector());
string line_name(s.fieldSegment->name);
roboviz->drawAnnotation(&line_name,-mid.x,-mid.y,mid.z, 0,1,0,&draw_name);
roboviz->drawLine(-s.point[0].absPos.x, -s.point[0].absPos.y, s.point[0].absPos.z,
-s.point[1].absPos.x, -s.point[1].absPos.y, s.point[1].absPos.z, 3, 0,0.8,0, &draw_name);
for(const auto& m : list_known_markers){
string line_name(m.fieldPt->name);
roboviz->drawAnnotation(&line_name,-m.absPos.x, -m.absPos.y, m.absPos.z+1, 1,0,0,&draw_name);
roboviz->drawLine(-m.absPos.x, -m.absPos.y, m.absPos.z,
-m.absPos.x, -m.absPos.y, m.absPos.z+0.5, 1, 0.8,0.8,0.8, &draw_name);
for(const auto& m : list_unknown_markers){
string line_name = "!";
roboviz->drawAnnotation(&line_name,-m.absPos.x, -m.absPos.y, m.absPos.z+1, 1,0,0,&draw_name);
roboviz->drawLine(-m.absPos.x, -m.absPos.y, m.absPos.z,
-m.absPos.x, -m.absPos.y, m.absPos.z+0.5, 1, 0.8,0.8,0.8, &draw_name);
//--------------------------------- Draw player and ball arrows
Vector3f me = headToFieldT.toVector3f();
roboviz->drawLine(-me.x, -me.y, me.z, -me.x, -me.y, me.z+0.5, 2,1,0,0,&draw_name);
roboviz->drawLine(-me.x, -me.y, me.z, -me.x+0.2, -me.y, me.z+0.2, 2,1,0,0,&draw_name);
roboviz->drawLine(-me.x, -me.y, me.z, -me.x-0.2, -me.y, me.z+0.2, 2,1,0,0,&draw_name);
//There is no need to draw the ball position here (but it works well)
/*static Vector3f last_known_ball_pos = Vector3f();
last_known_ball_pos = headToFieldT * world.ball_rel_pos_cart;
Vector3f &b = last_known_ball_pos;
roboviz->drawLine(b.x, b.y, b.z, b.x, b.y, b.z+0.5, 2,1,1,0,&draw_name);
roboviz->drawLine(b.x, b.y, b.z, b.x-0.2, b.y, b.z+0.2, 2,1,1,0,&draw_name);
roboviz->drawLine(b.x, b.y, b.z, b.x+0.2, b.y, b.z+0.2, 2,1,1,0,&draw_name);*/
//==================================================================== Refresh / Identify / Collect
* Gather markers with known absolute z: line endpoints + foot contact points + [toe contact points]
void Field::gather_ground_markers(){
* Add NAO's feet ground contact points to zmarks
* Dependency: the agent's feet must be touching the ground
* Flaws:
* - if the feet are touching other players or the ball (may be solved if it is problematic)
* - robot 4 may be touching the ground with its toes and they are currently ignored
for(int i=0; i<2; i++){
if( world.foot_touch[i] ){ //if this foot is touching the ground
//Vector3f contactAux = world.foot_contact_pt[i]; //contact point using strange coordinate system
//Vector3f contactpt = Vector3f(contactAux.y,-contactAux.x,contactAux.z); // fix coordinate system for both feet
Vector3f relPos = world.foot_contact_rel_pos[i];
list_feet_contact_points.emplace_back( sVector3d({0,0,0}), relPos.toPolar(), relPos);
list_ground_markers.emplace_back( sVector3d({0,0,0}), relPos.toPolar(), relPos);
//Deactivated since it did not produce better results, even when both feet are floating (it was only better when the robot fell)
/*const Types::BodyParts toePart[2] = {Types::ilLToe, Types::ilRToe};
for(int i=0; i<2; i++){
if( agent::model->getToeTouch(feetSide[i]) ){ //if this foot is touching the ground
Vector3f contactAux = agent::model->getToeContact(feetSide[i]); //contact point using strange coordinate system
Vector3f contactpt = Vector3f(contactAux.y,-contactAux.x,contactAux.z); // fix coordinate system for both feet
Vector3f relPos = agent::model->getRelPositionOfBodyPoint(agent::model->getBodyPart(toePart[i]),contactpt);
if(agent::model->getFootTouch(Types::iLeft) == false && agent::model->getFootTouch(Types::iRight) == false){
zmarks.emplace_back( 0,0,0,relPos );
//Add all line endings to ground markers
for(const Line6f& l : list_segments){
list_ground_markers.emplace_back( sVector3d({0,0,0}), l.startp, l.startc);
list_ground_markers.emplace_back( sVector3d({0,0,0}), l.endp, l.endc);
non_collinear_ground_markers = list_ground_markers.size(); //Excludes corner flags
//Add corner flags
for(const auto& c : list_landmarks_corners){
list_ground_markers.emplace_back( sVector3d({0,0,0}), c.relPosPolar, c.relPosCart);
* All the polar coordinates' errors are dependent on the distance
* Var[distance error] = Var[ed*d/100] + Var[er] (ed-error distance, er-error rounding)
* Var[distance error] = (d/100)^2 * Var[ed] + Var[er]
* Their importance will be given by Inverse-variance weighting
* Application:
* repetition = max(int(k*(1/var)),1), where k=1/1500
* repetitions for 1 meter: 71
* repetitions for 2 meters: 55
* repetitions for >=19 meters: 1
for(const auto& g : list_ground_markers){
float var = pow(g.relPosPolar.x / 100.f,2) * var_distance + var_round_hundredth;
float w = 1.f/(1500.f*var); //weight = (1/var)*k where k is a constant to transform the large weights into number of repetitions
int repetitions = max(int(w),1);
list_weighted_ground_markers.insert(list_weighted_ground_markers.end(), repetitions, g);
* Update markers after visual step
* Marks attributes: abs(x,y,z), rel(r,h,v)
* Possible markers:
* - 8 landmarks
* - line endings:
* - 8 @ field corners
* - 12 @ penalty box corners
* - 20 @ center ring
* - 2 @ halfway line
* - 8 noisy estimates from corner-originated lines
* */
void Field::update(){
//no need to reserve space since these vectors will expand mostly in the first cycles
//----------------------------------------- Pre-processing: prepare landmark lists
for(int i=0; i<8; i++){
sFixedMarker *l8;
const sFieldPoint *fp;
World::sLMark *l = &world.landmark[i];
if (l->pos.x == -15 && l->pos.y == -10) {l8 = &list_8_landmarks::_corner_mm; fp = &cFieldPoints::corner_mm;}
else if(l->pos.x == -15 && l->pos.y == +10) {l8 = &list_8_landmarks::_corner_mp; fp = &cFieldPoints::corner_mp;}
else if(l->pos.x == +15 && l->pos.y == -10) {l8 = &list_8_landmarks::_corner_pm; fp = &cFieldPoints::corner_pm;}
else if(l->pos.x == +15 && l->pos.y == +10) {l8 = &list_8_landmarks::_corner_pp; fp = &cFieldPoints::corner_pp;}
else if(l->pos.x == -15 && l->pos.y < 0) {l8 = &list_8_landmarks::_goal_mm; fp = &cFieldPoints::goal_mm; }
else if(l->pos.x == -15 && l->pos.y > 0) {l8 = &list_8_landmarks::_goal_mp; fp = &cFieldPoints::goal_mp; }
else if(l->pos.x == +15 && l->pos.y < 0) {l8 = &list_8_landmarks::_goal_pm; fp = &cFieldPoints::goal_pm; }
else if(l->pos.x == +15 && l->pos.y > 0) {l8 = &list_8_landmarks::_goal_pp; fp = &cFieldPoints::goal_pp; }
else{ return; }
l8->visible = true;
sMarker seen_mark(fp, l->rel_pos);
if (l->isCorner){ list_landmarks_corners.push_back( seen_mark); }
else { list_landmarks_goalposts.push_back(seen_mark); }
l8->visible = false;
//----------------------------------------- Pre-processing: prepare lines and landmarks' coordinates sign
for(const auto& l : world.lines_polar) {
list_segments.emplace_back(l.start, l.end);
//----------------------------------------- Gather markers with known absolute z: line endpoints + foot contact points
void Field::update_from_transformation(const Matrix4D& tmatrix){
* Identify segments based on transformation matrix
* Identification starts from longest to shortest line
* The visible line segment is identified if there is only 1 close field line
* If there is more than 1 close field line and all but 1 were already taken, it is still identified
//----------------------------------------------- get lines ordered from largest to shortest
vector<Line6f*> lines_descending_length;
for(auto& l : list_segments){
//Sort from largest to smallest radius
[](const Line6f* a, const Line6f* b) { return (a->length > b->length); });
//----------------------------------------------- identify lines
for(const Line6f* l : lines_descending_length){
Vector3f l_abs[2] = {tmatrix * l->startc, tmatrix * l->endc};
float l_angle = atan2f(l_abs[1].y - l_abs[0].y, l_abs[1].x - l_abs[0].x);
const float min_err = 0.3; //maximum allowed distance (startdist + enddist < 0.3m)
const sFieldSegment* best_line = nullptr;
for(const auto& s : cFieldLineSegments::list){ //find distance to closest field line
//Skip field line if seen line is substantially larger
if( l->length > (s.length + 0.7) ){ continue; }
//Skip field line if orientation does not match
float line_angle_difference = normalize_line_angle_rad(l_angle - s.angle);
if(line_angle_difference > 0.26) continue; //tolerance 15deg
//Skip field line if it was already identified
bool already_identified = false;
for(const auto& k : list_known_segments){
if(k.fieldSegment == &s){ already_identified=true; break; }
if(already_identified) continue;
//Error is the sum of the distance of a single line segment to both endpoints of seen line
float err = fieldLineSegmentDistToCart2DPoint(s,l_abs[0].to2d());
if(err < min_err) err += fieldLineSegmentDistToCart2DPoint(s,l_abs[1].to2d());
if(err < min_err){
if(best_line == nullptr){ best_line = &s; } //Save the field line for now (others may emerge)
best_line = nullptr; //Two close field lines, none of which was taken yet, so abort
if(best_line != nullptr){
//-------------- Fix the seen line's start<->end order to match the corresponding field line
int l_index[2] = {0,1}; //line index of [0]start and [1]end points
if(normalize_vector_angle_rad(l_angle - best_line->angle) > 1.57079633f){ // they point in opposite directions
l_index[0] = 1;
l_index[1] = 0;
const Vector3f *lAbs[2] = {&l_abs[l_index[0]], &l_abs[l_index[1]]};
const Vector3f *lRelP[2] = {&l->get_polar_pt(l_index[0]), &l->get_polar_pt(l_index[1])};
const Vector3f *lRelC[2] = {&l->get_cart_pt(l_index[0]), &l->get_cart_pt(l_index[1])};
//-------------- Fix the absolute coordinates with field information
bool isInFoV[2] = {false,false};
//1st: recognize endpoints as field points (& save known markers)
* //---------------------------------------------- General solution
* All points reasonably within the FoV are identified
* Noise applied horizontally sigma=0.1225, Pr[-0.5<x<0.5]=0.99996
* Noise applied vertically sigma=0.1480, Pr[-0.5<x<0.5]=0.99928
* Warning: the server limits the focal distance to 10cm (which is enforced in the x cartesian coordinate)
* current solution: lRelC[i].x > 0.2
* Warning 2: sometimes the error of phi and theta is larger than expected, producing points like
* (rel polar: 0.57,-36.36,-54.41) (rel cart: 0.267,-0.1967,-0.4635)
* which goes with the theory that the FoV is actually defined as a cone (a bit unrealistic though)
* current solution: cone_angle < hor_FoV-5
for( int i=0; i<2; i++){
float cone_angle = acosf(lRelC[i]->x / lRelP[i]->x); //angle between vector and (1,0,0)
const float max_cone_angle = (cHalfHorizontalFoV-5)*M_PI/180;
if(cone_angle < max_cone_angle && lRelC[i]->x > 0.2){
list_known_markers.emplace_back(best_line->point[i], *lRelP[i], *lRelC[i]);
isInFoV[i] = true;
//2nd: use real coordinates if point was recognized, otherwise push it to a valid position (& save segment and unknown markers)
const Line6f field_line(best_line->point[0]->get_vector(), best_line->point[1]->get_vector(), best_line->length);
sVector3d l_pt_d[2]; //final line segment points (double precision floating-points)
for( int i=0; i<2; i++){
l_pt_d[i] = best_line->point[i]->pt; //set recognized point's abs coordinates
Vector3f p = field_line.segmentPointClosestToCartPoint(*lAbs[i]); //push point to closest valid position
l_pt_d[i].set(p); //set unknown point's estimated coordinates
list_unknown_markers.emplace_back(best_line, l_pt_d[i], *lRelP[i], *lRelC[i]);
//-------------- Save identified line segment
list_known_segments.emplace_back(sMarker(l_pt_d[0],*lRelP[0],*lRelC[0]),sMarker(l_pt_d[1],*lRelP[1],*lRelC[1]), l->length, best_line);
void Field::update_unknown_markers(const Matrix4D& tmatrix){
for(auto& u : list_unknown_markers){
//Transform marker to world frame
Vector3f raw_abs_pos = tmatrix * u.relPosCart;
//Push marker to existing field segment
const Line6f field_seg( u.fieldSeg->point[0]->get_vector(), u.fieldSeg->point[1]->get_vector(), u.fieldSeg->length);
Vector3f fixed_abs_pos = field_seg.segmentPointClosestToCartPoint(raw_abs_pos); //push point to closest valid position
u.absPos = sVector3d({fixed_abs_pos.x, fixed_abs_pos.y, fixed_abs_pos.z});
//================================================================================== Math utilities
* Field lines are on the ground (z=0), so the method is simplified
float Field::fieldLineSegmentDistToCartPoint(const sFieldSegment& fLine, const Vector3f& cp){
//Line segment vector (start -> end)
float vx = fLine.point[1]->pt.x - fLine.point[0]->pt.x;
float vy = fLine.point[1]->pt.y - fLine.point[0]->pt.y;
Vector3f w1(cp.x - fLine.point[0]->pt.x, cp.y - fLine.point[0]->pt.y, cp.z); // vector: (segment start -> point)
if (w1.x * vx + w1.y * vy <= 0)
return w1.length();// if angle between vectors is >=90deg, we return the distance to segment start
Vector3f w2(cp.x - fLine.point[1]->pt.x, cp.y - fLine.point[1]->pt.y, cp.z); // vector: (segment end -> point)
if (w2.x * vx + w2.y * vy >= 0)
return w2.length(); //if angle between vectors is <=90deg, we return the distance to segment end
Vector3f v_cross_w1(vy * w1.z, - vx * w1.z, vx * w1.y - vy * w1.x);
return v_cross_w1.length() / fLine.length; //distance line to point (area of parallelogram divided by base gives height)
* Field lines are on the ground (z=0), so the method is simplified
float Field::fieldLineSegmentDistToCart2DPoint(const sFieldSegment& fLine, const Vector& cp){
const Vector segment_start(fLine.point[0]->pt.x, fLine.point[0]->pt.y);
const Vector segment_end( fLine.point[1]->pt.x, fLine.point[1]->pt.y );
//Line segment vector (start -> end)
Vector v(segment_end-segment_start);
Vector w1(cp - segment_start);// vector: (segment start -> point)
if(w1.innerProduct(v) <= 0)
return w1.length();// if angle between vectors is >=90deg, we return the distance to segment start
Vector w2(cp - segment_end); // vector: (segment end -> point)
if(w2.innerProduct(v) >= 0)
return w2.length(); //if angle between vectors is <=90deg, we return the distance to segment end
return fabsf(v.crossProduct(w1)) / fLine.length; //distance line to point (area of parallelogram divided by base gives height)