from os import path, listdir, getcwd, cpu_count from os.path import join, realpath, dirname, isfile, isdir, getmtime from scripts.commons.UI import UI import __main__ import argparse,json,sys import pickle import subprocess class Script(): ROOT_DIR = path.dirname(path.dirname(realpath( join(getcwd(), dirname(__file__))) )) # project root directory def __init__(self, cpp_builder_unum=0) -> None: ''' Arguments specification ----------------------- - To add new arguments, edit the information below - After changing information below, the config.json file must be manually deleted - In other modules, these arguments can be accessed by their 1-letter ID ''' # list of arguments: 1-letter ID, Description, Hardcoded default self.options = {'i': ('Server Hostname/IP', 'localhost'), 'p': ('Agent Port', '3100'), 'm': ('Monitor Port', '3200'), 't': ('Team Name', 'FCPortugal'), 'u': ('Uniform Number', '1'), 'r': ('Robot Type', '1'), 'P': ('Penalty Shootout', '0'), 'F': ('magmaFatProxy', '0'), 'D': ('Debug Mode', '1')} # list of arguments: 1-letter ID, data type, choices self.op_types = {'i': (str, None), 'p': (int, None), 'm': (int, None), 't': (str, None), 'u': (int, range(1,12)), 'r': (int, [0,1,2,3,4]), 'P': (int, [0,1]), 'F': (int, [0,1]), 'D': (int, [0,1])} ''' End of arguments specification ''' self.read_or_create_config() #advance help text position formatter = lambda prog: argparse.HelpFormatter(prog,max_help_position=52) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(formatter_class=formatter) o = self.options t = self.op_types for id in self.options: # shorter metavar for aesthetic reasons parser.add_argument(f"-{id}", help=f"{o[id][0]:30}[{o[id][1]:20}]", type=t[id][0], nargs='?', default=o[id][1], metavar='X', choices=t[id][1]) self.args = parser.parse_args() if getattr(sys, 'frozen', False): # disable debug mode when running from binary self.args.D = 0 self.players = [] # list of created players Script.build_cpp_modules(exit_on_build = (cpp_builder_unum != 0 and cpp_builder_unum != self.args.u)) if self.args.D: try: print(f"\nNOTE: for help run \"python {__main__.__file__} -h\"") except: pass columns = [[],[],[]] for key, value in vars(self.args).items(): columns[0].append(o[key][0]) columns[1].append(o[key][1]) columns[2].append(value) UI.print_table(columns, ["Argument","Default at /config.json","Active"], alignment=["<","^","^"]) def read_or_create_config(self) -> None: if not path.isfile('config.json'): # Save hardcoded default values if file does not exist with open("config.json", "w") as f: json.dump(self.options, f, indent=4) else: # Load user-defined values (that can be overwritten in the terminal) with open("config.json", "r") as f: self.options = json.loads( @staticmethod def build_cpp_modules(special_environment_prefix=[], exit_on_build=False): ''' Build C++ modules in folder /cpp using Pybind11 Parameters ---------- special_environment_prefix : `list` command prefix to run a given command in the desired environment useful to compile C++ modules for different python interpreter versions (other than default version) Conda Env. example: ['conda', 'run', '-n', 'myEnv'] If [] the default python interpreter is used as compilation target exit_on_build : bool exit if there is something to build (so that only 1 player per team builds c++ modules) ''' cpp_path = Script.ROOT_DIR + "/cpp/" exclusions = ["__pycache__"] cpp_modules = [d for d in listdir(cpp_path) if isdir(join(cpp_path, d)) and d not in exclusions] if not cpp_modules: return #no modules to build python_cmd = f"python{sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}" # "python3" can select the wrong version, this prevents that def init(): print("--------------------------\nC++ modules:",cpp_modules) try: process = subprocess.Popen(special_environment_prefix+[python_cmd, "-m", "pybind11", "--includes"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) (includes, err) = process.communicate() process.wait() except: print(f"Error while executing child program: '{python_cmd} -m pybind11 --includes'") exit() includes = includes.decode().rstrip() # strip trailing newlines (and other whitespace chars) print("Using Pybind11 includes: '",includes,"'",sep="") return includes nproc = str(cpu_count()) zero_modules = True for module in cpp_modules: module_path = join(cpp_path, module) # skip module if there is no Makefile (typical distribution case) if not isfile(join(module_path, "Makefile")): continue # skip module in certain conditions if isfile(join(module_path, module+".so")) and isfile(join(module_path, module+".c_info")): with open(join(module_path, module+".c_info"), 'rb') as f: info = pickle.load(f) if info == python_cmd: code_mod_time = max(getmtime(join(module_path, f)) for f in listdir(module_path) if f.endswith(".cpp") or f.endswith(".h")) bin_mod_time = getmtime(join(module_path, module+".so")) if bin_mod_time + 30 > code_mod_time: # favor not building with a margin of 30s (scenario: we unzip the fcpy project, including the binaries, the modification times are all similar) continue # init: print stuff & get Pybind11 includes if zero_modules: if exit_on_build: print("There are C++ modules to build. This player is not allowed to build. Aborting.") exit() zero_modules = False includes = init() # build module print(f'{f"Building: {module}... ":40}',end='',flush=True) process = subprocess.Popen(['make', '-j'+nproc, 'PYBIND_INCLUDES='+includes], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, cwd=module_path) (output, err) = process.communicate() exit_code = process.wait() if exit_code == 0: print("success!") with open(join(module_path, module+".c_info"),"wb") as f: # save python version pickle.dump(python_cmd, f, protocol=4) # protocol 4 is backward compatible with Python 3.4 else: print("Aborting! Building errors:") print(output.decode(), err.decode()) exit() if not zero_modules: print("All modules were built successfully!\n--------------------------") def batch_create(self, agent_cls, args_per_player): ''' Creates batch of agents ''' for a in args_per_player: self.players.append( agent_cls(*a) ) def batch_execute_agent(self, index : slice = slice(None)): ''' Executes agent normally (including commit & send) Parameters ---------- index : slice subset of agents (e.g. index=slice(1,2) will select the second agent) (e.g. index=slice(1,3) will select the second and third agents) by default, all agents are selected ''' for p in self.players[index]: p.think_and_send() def batch_execute_behavior(self, behavior, index : slice = slice(None)): ''' Executes behavior Parameters ---------- behavior : str name of behavior to execute index : slice subset of agents (e.g. index=slice(1,2) will select the second agent) (e.g. index=slice(1,3) will select the second and third agents) by default, all agents are selected ''' for p in self.players[index]: p.behavior.execute(behavior) def batch_commit_and_send(self, index : slice = slice(None)): ''' Commits & sends data to server Parameters ---------- index : slice subset of agents (e.g. index=slice(1,2) will select the second agent) (e.g. index=slice(1,3) will select the second and third agents) by default, all agents are selected ''' for p in self.players[index]: p.scom.commit_and_send( ) def batch_receive(self, index : slice = slice(None), update=True): ''' Waits for server messages Parameters ---------- index : slice subset of agents (e.g. index=slice(1,2) will select the second agent) (e.g. index=slice(1,3) will select the second and third agents) by default, all agents are selected update : bool update world state based on information received from server if False, the agent becomes unaware of itself and its surroundings which is useful for reducing cpu resources for dummy agents in demonstrations ''' for p in self.players[index]: p.scom.receive(update) def batch_commit_beam(self, pos2d_and_rotation, index : slice = slice(None)): ''' Beam all player to 2D position with a given rotation Parameters ---------- pos2d_and_rotation : `list` iterable of 2D positions and rotations e.g. [(0,0,45),(-5,0,90)] index : slice subset of agents (e.g. index=slice(1,2) will select the second agent) (e.g. index=slice(1,3) will select the second and third agents) by default, all agents are selected ''' for p, pos_rot in zip(self.players[index], pos2d_and_rotation): p.scom.commit_beam(pos_rot[0:2],pos_rot[2]) def batch_unofficial_beam(self, pos3d_and_rotation, index : slice = slice(None)): ''' Beam all player to 3D position with a given rotation Parameters ---------- pos3d_and_rotation : `list` iterable of 3D positions and rotations e.g. [(0,0,0.5,45),(-5,0,0.5,90)] index : slice subset of agents (e.g. index=slice(1,2) will select the second agent) (e.g. index=slice(1,3) will select the second and third agents) by default, all agents are selected ''' for p, pos_rot in zip(self.players[index], pos3d_and_rotation): p.scom.unofficial_beam(pos_rot[0:3],pos_rot[3]) def batch_terminate(self, index : slice = slice(None)): ''' Close all sockets connected to the agent port For scripts where the agent lives until the application ends, this is not needed Parameters ---------- index : slice subset of agents (e.g. index=slice(1,2) will select the second agent) (e.g. index=slice(1,3) will select the second and third agents) by default, all agents are selected ''' for p in self.players[index]: p.terminate() del self.players[index] # delete selection