from datetime import datetime, timedelta from itertools import count from os import listdir from os.path import isdir, join, isfile from scripts.commons.UI import UI from shutil import copy from stable_baselines3 import PPO from stable_baselines3.common.base_class import BaseAlgorithm from stable_baselines3.common.callbacks import EvalCallback, CheckpointCallback, CallbackList, BaseCallback from typing import Callable from world.World import World from xml.dom import minidom import numpy as np import os, time, math, csv, select, sys import pickle import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET class Train_Base(): def __init__(self, script) -> None: ''' When training with multiple environments (multiprocessing): The server port is incremented as follows: self.server_p, self.server_p+1, self.server_p+2, ... We add +1000 to the initial monitor port, so than we can have more than 100 environments: self.monitor_p+1000, self.monitor_p+1001, self.monitor_p+1002, ... When testing we use self.server_p and self.monitor_p ''' args = script.args self.script = script self.ip = args.i self.server_p = args.p # (initial) server port self.monitor_p = args.m # monitor port when testing self.monitor_p_1000 = args.m + 1000 # initial monitor port when training self.robot_type = args.r = args.t self.uniform = args.u self.cf_last_time = 0 self.cf_delay = 0 self.cf_target_period = World.STEPTIME # target simulation speed while testing (default: real-time) @staticmethod def prompt_user_for_model(): gyms_logs_path = "./scripts/gyms/logs/" folders = [f for f in listdir(gyms_logs_path) if isdir(join(gyms_logs_path, f))] folders.sort(key=lambda f: os.path.getmtime(join(gyms_logs_path, f)), reverse=True) # sort by modification date while True: try: folder_name = UI.print_list(folders,prompt="Choose folder (ctrl+c to return): ")[1] except KeyboardInterrupt: print() return None # ctrl+c folder_dir = os.path.join(gyms_logs_path, folder_name) models = [m[:-4] for m in listdir(folder_dir) if isfile(join(folder_dir, m)) and m.endswith(".zip")] if not models: print("The chosen folder does not contain any .zip file!") continue models.sort(key=lambda m: os.path.getmtime(join(folder_dir, m+".zip")), reverse=True) # sort by modification date try: model_name = UI.print_list(models,prompt="Choose model (ctrl+c to return): ")[1] break except KeyboardInterrupt: print() return {"folder_dir":folder_dir, "folder_name":folder_name, "model_file":os.path.join(folder_dir, model_name+".zip")} def control_fps(self, read_input = False): ''' Add delay to control simulation speed ''' if read_input: speed = input() if speed == '': self.cf_target_period = 0 print(f"Changed simulation speed to MAX") else: if speed == '0': inp = input("Paused. Set new speed or '' to use previous speed:") if inp != '': speed = inp try: speed = int(speed) assert speed >= 0 self.cf_target_period = World.STEPTIME * 100 / speed print(f"Changed simulation speed to {speed}%") except: print(""" Error: To control the simulation speed, enter a non-negative integer. To disable this control module, use test_model(..., enable_FPS_control=False) in your gym environment.""") now = time.time() period = now - self.cf_last_time self.cf_last_time = now self.cf_delay += (self.cf_target_period - period)*0.9 if self.cf_delay > 0: time.sleep(self.cf_delay) else: self.cf_delay = 0 def test_model(self, model:BaseAlgorithm, env, log_path:str=None, model_path:str=None, max_episodes=0, enable_FPS_control=True, verbose=1): ''' Test model and log results Parameters ---------- model : BaseAlgorithm Trained model env : Env Gym-like environment log_path : str Folder where statistics file is saved, default is `None` (no file is saved) model_path : str Folder where it reads evaluations.npz to plot it and create evaluations.csv, default is `None` (no plot, no csv) max_episodes : int Run tests for this number of episodes Default is 0 (run until user aborts) verbose : int 0 - no output (except if enable_FPS_control=True) 1 - print episode statistics ''' if model_path is not None: assert os.path.isdir(model_path), f"{model_path} is not a valid path" self.display_evaluations(model_path) if log_path is not None: assert os.path.isdir(log_path), f"{log_path} is not a valid path" # If file already exists, don't overwrite if os.path.isfile(log_path + "/test.csv"): for i in range(1000): p = f"{log_path}/test_{i:03}.csv" if not os.path.isfile(p): log_path = p break else: log_path += "/test.csv" with open(log_path, 'w') as f: f.write("reward,ep. length,rew. cumulative avg., ep. len. cumulative avg.\n") print("Train statistics are saved to:", log_path) if enable_FPS_control: # control simulation speed (using non blocking user input) print("\nThe simulation speed can be changed by sending a non-negative integer\n" "(e.g. '50' sets speed to 50%, '0' pauses the simulation, '' sets speed to MAX)\n") ep_reward = 0 ep_length = 0 rewards_sum = 0 reward_min = math.inf reward_max = -math.inf ep_lengths_sum = 0 ep_no = 0 obs = env.reset() while True: action, _states = model.predict(obs, deterministic=True) obs, reward, done, info = env.step(action) ep_reward += reward ep_length += 1 if enable_FPS_control: # control simulation speed (using non blocking user input) self.control_fps([sys.stdin], [], [], 0)[0]) if done: obs = env.reset() rewards_sum += ep_reward ep_lengths_sum += ep_length reward_max = max(ep_reward, reward_max) reward_min = min(ep_reward, reward_min) ep_no += 1 avg_ep_lengths = ep_lengths_sum/ep_no avg_rewards = rewards_sum/ep_no if verbose > 0: print( f"\rEpisode: {ep_no:<3} Ep.Length: {ep_length:<4.0f} Reward: {ep_reward:<6.2f} \n", end=f"--AVERAGE-- Ep.Length: {avg_ep_lengths:<4.0f} Reward: {avg_rewards:<6.2f} (Min: {reward_min:<6.2f} Max: {reward_max:<6.2f})", flush=True) if log_path is not None: with open(log_path, 'a') as f: writer = csv.writer(f) writer.writerow([ep_reward, ep_length, avg_rewards, avg_ep_lengths]) if ep_no == max_episodes: return ep_reward = 0 ep_length = 0 def learn_model(self, model:BaseAlgorithm, total_steps:int, path:str, eval_env=None, eval_freq=None, eval_eps=5, save_freq=None, backup_env_file=None, export_name=None): ''' Learn Model for a specific number of time steps Parameters ---------- model : BaseAlgorithm Model to train total_steps : int The total number of samples (env steps) to train on path : str Path where the trained model is saved If the path already exists, an incrementing number suffix is added eval_env : Env Environment to periodically test the model Default is None (no periodical evaluation) eval_freq : int Evaluate the agent every X steps Default is None (no periodical evaluation) eval_eps : int Evaluate the agent for X episodes (both eval_env and eval_freq must be defined) Default is 5 save_freq : int Saves model at every X steps Default is None (no periodical checkpoint) backup_gym_file : str Generates backup of environment file in model's folder Default is None (no backup) export_name : str If export_name and save_freq are defined, a model is exported every X steps Default is None (no export) Returns ------- model_path : str Directory where model was actually saved (considering incremental suffix) Notes ----- If `eval_env` and `eval_freq` were specified: - The policy will be evaluated in `eval_env` every `eval_freq` steps - Evaluation results will be saved in `path` and shown at the end of training - Every time the results improve, the model is saved ''' start = time.time() start_date ="%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S") # If path already exists, add suffix to avoid overwriting if os.path.isdir(path): for i in count(): p = path.rstrip("/")+f'_{i:03}/' if not os.path.isdir(p): path = p break os.makedirs(path) # Backup environment file if backup_env_file is not None: backup_file = os.path.join(path, os.path.basename(backup_env_file)) copy(backup_env_file, backup_file) evaluate = bool(eval_env is not None and eval_freq is not None) # Create evaluation callback eval_callback = None if not evaluate else EvalCallback(eval_env, n_eval_episodes=eval_eps, eval_freq=eval_freq, log_path=path, best_model_save_path=path, deterministic=True, render=False) # Create custom callback to display evaluations custom_callback = None if not evaluate else Cyclic_Callback(eval_freq, lambda:self.display_evaluations(path,True)) # Create checkpoint callback checkpoint_callback = None if save_freq is None else CheckpointCallback(save_freq=save_freq, save_path=path, name_prefix="model", verbose=1) # Create custom callback to export checkpoint models export_callback = None if save_freq is None or export_name is None else Export_Callback(save_freq, path, export_name) callbacks = CallbackList([c for c in [eval_callback, custom_callback, checkpoint_callback, export_callback] if c is not None]) model.learn( total_timesteps=total_steps, callback=callbacks ) os.path.join(path, "last_model") ) # Display evaluations if they exist if evaluate: self.display_evaluations(path) # Display timestamps + Model path end_date ='%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S') duration = timedelta(seconds=int(time.time()-start)) print(f"Train start: {start_date}") print(f"Train end: {end_date}") print(f"Train duration: {duration}") print(f"Model path: {path}") # Append timestamps to backup environment file if backup_env_file is not None: with open(backup_file, 'a') as f: f.write(f"\n# Train start: {start_date}\n") f.write( f"# Train end: {end_date}\n") f.write( f"# Train duration: {duration}") return path def display_evaluations(self, path, save_csv=False): eval_npz = os.path.join(path, "evaluations.npz") if not os.path.isfile(eval_npz): return console_width = 80 console_height = 18 symb_x = "\u2022" symb_o = "\u007c" symb_xo = "\u237f" with np.load(eval_npz) as data: time_steps = data["timesteps"] results_raw = np.mean(data["results"],axis=1) ep_lengths_raw = np.mean(data["ep_lengths"],axis=1) sample_no = len(results_raw) xvals = np.linspace(0, sample_no-1, 80) results = np.interp(xvals, range(sample_no), results_raw) ep_lengths = np.interp(xvals, range(sample_no), ep_lengths_raw) results_limits = np.min(results), np.max(results) ep_lengths_limits = np.min(ep_lengths), np.max(ep_lengths) results_discrete = np.digitize(results, np.linspace(results_limits[0]-1e-5, results_limits[1]+1e-5, console_height+1))-1 ep_lengths_discrete = np.digitize(ep_lengths, np.linspace(0, ep_lengths_limits[1]+1e-5, console_height+1))-1 matrix = np.zeros((console_height, console_width, 2), int) matrix[results_discrete[0] ][0][0] = 1 # draw 1st column matrix[ep_lengths_discrete[0]][0][1] = 1 # draw 1st column rng = [[results_discrete[0], results_discrete[0]], [ep_lengths_discrete[0], ep_lengths_discrete[0]]] # Create continuous line for both plots for k in range(2): for i in range(1,console_width): x = [results_discrete, ep_lengths_discrete][k][i] if x > rng[k][1]: rng[k] = [rng[k][1]+1, x] elif x < rng[k][0]: rng[k] = [x, rng[k][0]-1] else: rng[k] = [x,x] for j in range(rng[k][0],rng[k][1]+1): matrix[j][i][k] = 1 print(f'{"-"*console_width}') for l in reversed(range(console_height)): for c in range(console_width): if np.all(matrix[l][c] == 0): print(end=" ") elif np.all(matrix[l][c] == 1): print(end=symb_xo) elif matrix[l][c][0] == 1: print(end=symb_x) else: print(end=symb_o) print() print(f'{"-"*console_width}') print(f"({symb_x})-reward min:{results_limits[0]:11.2f} max:{results_limits[1]:11.2f}") print(f"({symb_o})-ep. length min:{ep_lengths_limits[0]:11.0f} max:{ep_lengths_limits[1]:11.0f} {time_steps[-1]/1000:15.0f}k steps") print(f'{"-"*console_width}') # save CSV if save_csv: eval_csv = os.path.join(path, "evaluations.csv") with open(eval_csv, 'a+') as f: writer = csv.writer(f) if sample_no == 1: writer.writerow(["time_steps", "reward ep.", "length"]) writer.writerow([time_steps[-1],results_raw[-1],ep_lengths_raw[-1]]) def generate_slot_behavior(self, path, slots, auto_head:bool, XML_name): ''' Function that generates the XML file for the optimized slot behavior, overwriting previous files ''' file = os.path.join( path, XML_name ) # create the file structure auto_head = '1' if auto_head else '0' EL_behavior = ET.Element('behavior',{'description':'Add description to XML file', "auto_head":auto_head}) for i,s in enumerate(slots): EL_slot = ET.SubElement(EL_behavior, 'slot', {'name':str(i), 'delta':str(s[0]/1000)}) for j in s[1]: # go through all joint indices ET.SubElement(EL_slot, 'move', {'id':str(j), 'angle':str(s[2][j])}) # create XML file xml_rough = ET.tostring( EL_behavior, 'utf-8' ) xml_pretty = minidom.parseString(xml_rough).toprettyxml(indent=" ") with open(file, "w") as x: x.write(xml_pretty) print(file, "was created!") @staticmethod def linear_schedule(initial_value: float) -> Callable[[float], float]: ''' Linear learning rate schedule Parameters ---------- initial_value : float Initial learning rate Returns ------- schedule : Callable[[float], float] schedule that computes current learning rate depending on remaining progress ''' def func(progress_remaining: float) -> float: ''' Compute learning rate according to current progress Parameters ---------- progress_remaining : float Progress will decrease from 1 (beginning) to 0 Returns ------- learning_rate : float Learning rate according to current progress ''' return progress_remaining * initial_value return func @staticmethod def export_model(input_file, output_file, add_sufix=True): ''' Export model weights to binary file Parameters ---------- input_file : str Input file, compatible with algorithm output_file : str Output file, including directory add_sufix : bool If true, a suffix is appended to the file name: output_file + "_{index}.pkl" ''' # If file already exists, don't overwrite if add_sufix: for i in count(): f = f"{output_file}_{i:03}.pkl" if not os.path.isfile(f): output_file = f break model = PPO.load(input_file) weights = model.policy.state_dict() # dictionary containing network layers w = lambda name : weights[name].detach().cpu().numpy() # extract weights from policy var_list = [] for i in count(0,2): # add hidden layers (step=2 because that's how SB3 works) if f"mlp_extractor.policy_net.{i}.bias" not in weights: break var_list.append([w(f"mlp_extractor.policy_net.{i}.bias"), w(f"mlp_extractor.policy_net.{i}.weight"), "tanh"]) var_list.append( [w("action_net.bias"), w("action_net.weight"), "none"] ) # add final layer with open(output_file,"wb") as f: pickle.dump(var_list, f, protocol=4) # protocol 4 is backward compatible with Python 3.4 class Cyclic_Callback(BaseCallback): ''' Stable baselines custom callback ''' def __init__(self, freq, function): super(Cyclic_Callback, self).__init__(1) self.freq = freq self.function = function def _on_step(self) -> bool: if self.n_calls % self.freq == 0: self.function() return True # If the callback returns False, training is aborted early class Export_Callback(BaseCallback): ''' Stable baselines custom callback ''' def __init__(self, freq, load_path, export_name): super(Export_Callback, self).__init__(1) self.freq = freq self.load_path = load_path self.export_name = export_name def _on_step(self) -> bool: if self.n_calls % self.freq == 0: path = os.path.join(self.load_path, f"model_{self.num_timesteps}") Train_Base.export_model(path, f"./scripts/gyms/export/{self.export_name}") return True # If the callback returns False, training is aborted early