from math import acos, asin, atan2, cos, pi, sin, sqrt import numpy as np import sys try: GLOBAL_DIR = sys._MEIPASS # temporary folder with libs & data files except: GLOBAL_DIR = "." class Math_Ops(): ''' This class provides general mathematical operations that are not directly available through numpy ''' @staticmethod def deg_sph2cart(spherical_vec): ''' Converts SimSpark's spherical coordinates in degrees to cartesian coordinates ''' r = spherical_vec[0] h = spherical_vec[1] * pi / 180 v = spherical_vec[2] * pi / 180 return np.array([r * cos(v) * cos(h), r * cos(v) * sin(h), r * sin(v)]) @staticmethod def deg_sin(deg_angle): ''' Returns sin of degrees ''' return sin(deg_angle * pi / 180) @staticmethod def deg_cos(deg_angle): ''' Returns cos of degrees ''' return cos(deg_angle * pi / 180) @staticmethod def to_3d(vec_2d, value=0) -> np.ndarray: ''' Returns new 3d vector from 2d vector ''' return np.append(vec_2d,value) @staticmethod def to_2d_as_3d(vec_3d) -> np.ndarray: ''' Returns new 3d vector where the 3rd dimension is zero ''' vec_2d_as_3d = np.copy(vec_3d) vec_2d_as_3d[2] = 0 return vec_2d_as_3d @staticmethod def normalize_vec(vec) -> np.ndarray: ''' Divides vector by its length ''' size = np.linalg.norm(vec) if size == 0: return vec return vec / size @staticmethod def get_active_directory(dir:str) -> str: global GLOBAL_DIR return GLOBAL_DIR + dir @staticmethod def acos(val): ''' arccosine function that limits input ''' return acos( np.clip(val,-1,1) ) @staticmethod def asin(val): ''' arcsine function that limits input ''' return asin( np.clip(val,-1,1) ) @staticmethod def normalize_deg(val): ''' normalize val in range [-180,180[ ''' return (val + 180.0) % 360 - 180 @staticmethod def normalize_rad(val): ''' normalize val in range [-pi,pi[ ''' return (val + pi) % (2*pi) - pi @staticmethod def deg_to_rad(val): ''' convert degrees to radians ''' return val * 0.01745329251994330 @staticmethod def rad_to_deg(val): ''' convert radians to degrees ''' return val * 57.29577951308232 @staticmethod def vector_angle(vector, is_rad=False): ''' angle (degrees or radians) of 2D vector ''' if is_rad: return atan2(vector[1], vector[0]) else: return atan2(vector[1], vector[0]) * 180 / pi @staticmethod def vectors_angle(vec1, vec2, is_rad=False): ''' get angle between vectors (degrees or radians) ''' ang_rad = acos(,Math_Ops.normalize_vec(vec2))) return ang_rad if is_rad else ang_rad * 180 / pi @staticmethod def vector_from_angle(angle, is_rad=False): ''' unit vector with direction given by `angle` ''' if is_rad: return np.array([cos(angle), sin(angle)], float) else: return np.array([Math_Ops.deg_cos(angle), Math_Ops.deg_sin(angle)], float) @staticmethod def target_abs_angle(pos2d, target, is_rad=False): ''' angle (degrees or radians) of vector (target-pos2d) ''' if is_rad: return atan2(target[1]-pos2d[1], target[0]-pos2d[0]) else: return atan2(target[1]-pos2d[1], target[0]-pos2d[0]) * 180 / pi @staticmethod def target_rel_angle(pos2d, ori, target, is_rad=False): ''' relative angle (degrees or radians) of target if we're located at 'pos2d' with orientation 'ori' (degrees or radians) ''' if is_rad: return Math_Ops.normalize_rad( atan2(target[1]-pos2d[1], target[0]-pos2d[0]) - ori ) else: return Math_Ops.normalize_deg( atan2(target[1]-pos2d[1], target[0]-pos2d[0]) * 180 / pi - ori ) @staticmethod def rotate_2d_vec(vec, angle, is_rad=False): ''' rotate 2D vector anticlockwise around the origin by `angle` ''' cos_ang = cos(angle) if is_rad else cos(angle * pi / 180) sin_ang = sin(angle) if is_rad else sin(angle * pi / 180) return np.array([cos_ang*vec[0]-sin_ang*vec[1], sin_ang*vec[0]+cos_ang*vec[1]]) @staticmethod def distance_point_to_line(p:np.ndarray, a:np.ndarray, b:np.ndarray): ''' Distance between point p and 2d line 'ab' (and side where p is) Parameters ---------- a : ndarray 2D point that defines line b : ndarray 2D point that defines line p : ndarray 2D point Returns ------- distance : float distance between line and point side : str if we are at a, looking at b, p may be at our "left" or "right" ''' line_len = np.linalg.norm(b-a) if line_len == 0: # assumes vertical line dist = sdist = np.linalg.norm(p-a) else: sdist = np.cross(b-a,p-a)/line_len dist = abs(sdist) return dist, "left" if sdist>0 else "right" @staticmethod def distance_point_to_segment(p:np.ndarray, a:np.ndarray, b:np.ndarray): ''' Distance from point p to 2d line segment 'ab' ''' ap = p-a ab = b-a ad = Math_Ops.vector_projection(ap,ab) # Is d in ab? We can find k in (ad = k * ab) without computing any norm # we use the largest dimension of ab to avoid division by 0 k = ad[0]/ab[0] if abs(ab[0])>abs(ab[1]) else ad[1]/ab[1] if k <= 0: return np.linalg.norm(ap) elif k >= 1: return np.linalg.norm(p-b) else: return np.linalg.norm(p-(ad + a)) # p-d @staticmethod def distance_point_to_ray(p:np.ndarray, ray_start:np.ndarray, ray_direction:np.ndarray): ''' Distance from point p to 2d ray ''' rp = p-ray_start rd = Math_Ops.vector_projection(rp,ray_direction) # Is d in ray? We can find k in (rd = k * ray_direction) without computing any norm # we use the largest dimension of ray_direction to avoid division by 0 k = rd[0]/ray_direction[0] if abs(ray_direction[0])>abs(ray_direction[1]) else rd[1]/ray_direction[1] if k <= 0: return np.linalg.norm(rp) else: return np.linalg.norm(p-(rd + ray_start)) # p-d @staticmethod def closest_point_on_ray_to_point(p:np.ndarray, ray_start:np.ndarray, ray_direction:np.ndarray): ''' Point on ray closest to point p ''' rp = p-ray_start rd = Math_Ops.vector_projection(rp,ray_direction) # Is d in ray? We can find k in (rd = k * ray_direction) without computing any norm # we use the largest dimension of ray_direction to avoid division by 0 k = rd[0]/ray_direction[0] if abs(ray_direction[0])>abs(ray_direction[1]) else rd[1]/ray_direction[1] if k <= 0: return ray_start else: return rd + ray_start @staticmethod def does_circle_intersect_segment(p:np.ndarray, r, a:np.ndarray, b:np.ndarray): ''' Returns true if circle (center p, radius r) intersect 2d line segment ''' ap = p-a ab = b-a ad = Math_Ops.vector_projection(ap,ab) # Is d in ab? We can find k in (ad = k * ab) without computing any norm # we use the largest dimension of ab to avoid division by 0 k = ad[0]/ab[0] if abs(ab[0])>abs(ab[1]) else ad[1]/ab[1] if k <= 0: return,ap) <= r*r elif k >= 1: return,p-b) <= r*r dp = p-(ad + a) return,dp) <= r*r @staticmethod def vector_projection(a:np.ndarray, b:np.ndarray): ''' Vector projection of a onto b ''' b_dot =,b) return b *,b) / b_dot if b_dot != 0 else b @staticmethod def do_noncollinear_segments_intersect(a,b,c,d): ''' Check if 2d line segment 'ab' intersects with noncollinear 2d line segment 'cd' Explanation: ''' ccw = lambda a,b,c: (c[1]-a[1]) * (b[0]-a[0]) > (b[1]-a[1]) * (c[0]-a[0]) return ccw(a,c,d) != ccw(b,c,d) and ccw(a,b,c) != ccw(a,b,d) @staticmethod def intersection_segment_opp_goal(a:np.ndarray, b:np.ndarray): ''' Computes the intersection point of 2d segment 'ab' and the opponents' goal (front line) ''' vec_x = b[0]-a[0] # Collinear intersections are not accepted if vec_x == 0: return None k = (15.01-a[0])/vec_x # No collision if k < 0 or k > 1: return None intersection_pt = a + (b-a) * k if -1.01 <= intersection_pt[1] <= 1.01: return intersection_pt else: return None @staticmethod def intersection_circle_opp_goal(p:np.ndarray, r): ''' Computes the intersection segment of circle (center p, radius r) and the opponents' goal (front line) Only the y coordinates are returned since the x coordinates are always equal to 15 ''' x_dev = abs(15-p[0]) if x_dev > r: return None # no intersection with x=15 y_dev = sqrt(r*r - x_dev*x_dev) p1 = max(p[1] - y_dev, -1.01) p2 = min(p[1] + y_dev, 1.01) if p1 == p2: return p1 # return the y coordinate of a single intersection point elif p2 < p1: return None # no intersection else: return p1, p2 # return the y coordinates of the intersection segment @staticmethod def distance_point_to_opp_goal(p:np.ndarray): ''' Distance between point 'p' and the opponents' goal (front line) ''' if p[1] < -1.01: return np.linalg.norm( p-(15,-1.01) ) elif p[1] > 1.01: return np.linalg.norm( p-(15, 1.01) ) else: return abs(15-p[0]) @staticmethod def circle_line_segment_intersection(circle_center, circle_radius, pt1, pt2, full_line=True, tangent_tol=1e-9): """ Find the points at which a circle intersects a line-segment. This can happen at 0, 1, or 2 points. :param circle_center: The (x, y) location of the circle center :param circle_radius: The radius of the circle :param pt1: The (x, y) location of the first point of the segment :param pt2: The (x, y) location of the second point of the segment :param full_line: True to find intersections along full line - not just in the segment. False will just return intersections within the segment. :param tangent_tol: Numerical tolerance at which we decide the intersections are close enough to consider it a tangent :return Sequence[Tuple[float, float]]: A list of length 0, 1, or 2, where each element is a point at which the circle intercepts a line segment. Note: We follow: """ (p1x, p1y), (p2x, p2y), (cx, cy) = pt1, pt2, circle_center (x1, y1), (x2, y2) = (p1x - cx, p1y - cy), (p2x - cx, p2y - cy) dx, dy = (x2 - x1), (y2 - y1) dr = (dx ** 2 + dy ** 2)**.5 big_d = x1 * y2 - x2 * y1 discriminant = circle_radius ** 2 * dr ** 2 - big_d ** 2 if discriminant < 0: # No intersection between circle and line return [] else: # There may be 0, 1, or 2 intersections with the segment intersections = [ (cx + (big_d * dy + sign * (-1 if dy < 0 else 1) * dx * discriminant**.5) / dr ** 2, cy + (-big_d * dx + sign * abs(dy) * discriminant**.5) / dr ** 2) for sign in ((1, -1) if dy < 0 else (-1, 1))] # This makes sure the order along the segment is correct if not full_line: # If only considering the segment, filter out intersections that do not fall within the segment fraction_along_segment = [ (xi - p1x) / dx if abs(dx) > abs(dy) else (yi - p1y) / dy for xi, yi in intersections] intersections = [pt for pt, frac in zip( intersections, fraction_along_segment) if 0 <= frac <= 1] # If line is tangent to circle, return just one point (as both intersections have same location) if len(intersections) == 2 and abs(discriminant) <= tangent_tol: return [intersections[0]] else: return intersections # adapted from @staticmethod def get_line_intersection(a1, a2, b1, b2): """ Returns the point of intersection of the lines passing through a2,a1 and b2,b1. a1: [x, y] a point on the first line a2: [x, y] another point on the first line b1: [x, y] a point on the second line b2: [x, y] another point on the second line """ s = np.vstack([a1,a2,b1,b2]) # s for stacked h = np.hstack((s, np.ones((4, 1)))) # h for homogeneous l1 = np.cross(h[0], h[1]) # get first line l2 = np.cross(h[2], h[3]) # get second line x, y, z = np.cross(l1, l2) # point of intersection if z == 0: # lines are parallel return np.array([float('inf'), float('inf')]) return np.array([x/z, y/z],float)