from agent.Base_Agent import Base_Agent as Agent from scripts.commons.Script import Script from time import sleep class Beam(): def __init__(self, script:Script) -> None: self.script = script def ask_for_input(self,prompt, default): try: inp=input(prompt) return float(inp) except ValueError: if inp != '': print("Illegal input:", inp, "\n") return default def beam_and_update(self,x,y,rot): r = d = d.annotation((x,y,0.7), f"x:{x} y:{y} r:{rot}", d.Color.yellow, "pos_label") self.player.scom.unofficial_beam((x,y,r.beam_height),rot) for _ in range(10): # run multiple times to beam and then simulate eventual collisions (e.g. goal posts) sleep(0.03) self.player.behavior.execute("Zero") self.player.scom.commit_and_send( r.get_command() ) self.player.scom.receive() def execute(self): a = self.script.args self.player = Agent(a.i, a.p, a.m, a.u, a.r, a.t) # Args: Server IP, Agent Port, Monitor Port, Uniform No., Robot Type, Team Name d = self.player.scom.unofficial_set_play_mode("PlayOn") # Draw grid for x in range(-15,16): for y in range(-10,11): d.point((x,y), 6,, "grid", False) d.flush("grid") for _ in range(10): # Initialize self.player.scom.send() self.player.scom.receive() print("\nBeam player to coordinates + orientation:") x=y=a=0 while True: # Beam self.player to given position x = self.ask_for_input(f"\nInput x coordinate ('' to send {x:5} again, ctrl+c to return): ",x) self.beam_and_update(x,y,a) y = self.ask_for_input( f"Input y coordinate ('' to send {y:5} again, ctrl+c to return): ",y) self.beam_and_update(x,y,a) a = self.ask_for_input( f"Orientation -180 to 180 ('' to send {a:5} again, ctrl+c to return): ",a) self.beam_and_update(x,y,a)