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2024-05-06 19:33:33 +08:00
from agent.Base_Agent import Base_Agent as Agent
from world.commons.Draw import Draw
from stable_baselines3 import PPO
from stable_baselines3.common.vec_env import SubprocVecEnv
from scripts.commons.Server import Server
from scripts.commons.Train_Base import Train_Base
from time import sleep
import os, gym
import numpy as np
Learn how to fall (simplest example)
- class Fall: implements an OpenAI custom gym
- class Train: implements algorithms to train a new model or test an existing model
class Fall(gym.Env):
def __init__(self, ip, server_p, monitor_p, r_type, enable_draw) -> None:
self.robot_type = r_type
# Args: Server IP, Agent Port, Monitor Port, Uniform No., Robot Type, Team Name, Enable Log, Enable Draw
self.player = Agent(ip, server_p, monitor_p, 1, self.robot_type, "Gym", True, enable_draw)
self.step_counter = 0 # to limit episode size
# State space
self.no_of_joints = self.player.world.robot.no_of_joints
self.obs = np.zeros(self.no_of_joints + 1, np.float32) # joints + torso height
self.observation_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=np.full(len(self.obs),-np.inf,np.float32), high=np.full(len(self.obs),np.inf,np.float32), dtype=np.float32)
# Action space
MAX = np.finfo(np.float32).max
no_of_actions = self.no_of_joints
self.action_space = gym.spaces.Box(low=np.full(no_of_actions,-MAX,np.float32), high=np.full(no_of_actions,MAX,np.float32), dtype=np.float32)
# Check if cheats are enabled
assert np.any(self.player.world.robot.cheat_abs_pos), "Cheats are not enabled! Run_Utils.py -> Server -> Cheats"
def observe(self):
r = self.player.world.robot
for i in range(self.no_of_joints):
self.obs[i] = r.joints_position[i] / 100 # naive scale normalization
self.obs[self.no_of_joints] = r.cheat_abs_pos[2] # head.z (alternative: r.loc_head_z)
return self.obs
def sync(self):
''' Run a single simulation step '''
r = self.player.world.robot
self.player.scom.commit_and_send( r.get_command() )
def reset(self):
Reset and stabilize the robot
Note: for some behaviors it would be better to reduce stabilization or add noise
self.step_counter = 0
r = self.player.world.robot
for _ in range(25):
self.player.scom.unofficial_beam((-3,0,0.50),0) # beam player continuously (floating above ground)
# beam player to ground
r.joints_target_speed[0] = 0.01 # move head to trigger physics update (rcssserver3d bug when no joint is moving)
# stabilize on ground
for _ in range(7):
return self.observe()
def render(self, mode='human', close=False):
def close(self):
def step(self, action):
r = self.player.world.robot
r.set_joints_target_position_direct( # commit actions:
slice(self.no_of_joints), # act on all available joints
action*10, # scale actions up to motivate early exploration
harmonize=False # there is no point in harmonizing actions if the targets change at every step
self.sync() # run simulation step
self.step_counter += 1
if self.obs[-1] < 0.15: # terminal state: the robot has fallen successfully
return self.obs, 1, True, {} # Reward: 1 (this reward will motivate a fast reaction if the return is discounted)
elif self.step_counter > 150: # terminal state: 3s passed and robot has not fallen (may be stuck)
return self.obs, 0, True, {}
return self.obs, 0, False, {} # Reward: 0
class Train(Train_Base):
def __init__(self, script) -> None:
def train(self, args):
#--------------------------------------- Learning parameters
n_envs = min(4, os.cpu_count())
n_steps_per_env = 128 # RolloutBuffer is of size (n_steps_per_env * n_envs) (*RV: >=2048)
minibatch_size = 64 # should be a factor of (n_steps_per_env * n_envs)
total_steps = 50000 # (*RV: >=10M)
learning_rate = 30e-4 # (*RV: 3e-4)
# *RV -> Recommended value for more complex environments
folder_name = f'Fall_R{self.robot_type}'
model_path = f'./scripts/gyms/logs/{folder_name}/'
print("Model path:", model_path)
#--------------------------------------- Run algorithm
def init_env(i_env):
def thunk():
return Fall( self.ip , self.server_p + i_env, self.monitor_p_1000 + i_env, self.robot_type, False )
return thunk
servers = Server( self.server_p, self.monitor_p_1000, n_envs+1 ) #include 1 extra server for testing
env = SubprocVecEnv( [init_env(i) for i in range(n_envs)] )
eval_env = SubprocVecEnv( [init_env(n_envs)] )
if "model_file" in args: # retrain
model = PPO.load( args["model_file"], env=env, n_envs=n_envs, n_steps=n_steps_per_env, batch_size=minibatch_size, learning_rate=learning_rate )
else: # train new model
model = PPO( "MlpPolicy", env=env, verbose=1, n_steps=n_steps_per_env, batch_size=minibatch_size, learning_rate=learning_rate )
model_path = self.learn_model( model, total_steps, model_path, eval_env=eval_env, eval_freq=n_steps_per_env*10, save_freq=n_steps_per_env*20, backup_env_file=__file__ )
except KeyboardInterrupt:
sleep(1) # wait for child processes
print("\nctrl+c pressed, aborting...\n")
def test(self, args):
# Uses different server and monitor ports
server = Server( self.server_p-1, self.monitor_p, 1 )
env = Fall( self.ip, self.server_p-1, self.monitor_p, self.robot_type, True )
model = PPO.load( args["model_file"], env=env )
self.export_model( args["model_file"], args["model_file"]+".pkl", False ) # Export to pkl to create custom behavior
self.test_model( model, env, log_path=args["folder_dir"], model_path=args["folder_dir"] )
except KeyboardInterrupt:
The learning process takes about 5 minutes.
A video with the results can be seen at:
State space:
- Composed of all joint positions + torso height
- The number of joint positions is different for robot type 4, so the models are not interchangeable
- For this example, this problem can be avoided by using only the first 22 joints and actuators
- The reward for falling is 1, which means that after a while every episode will have a r=1.
- What is the incetive for the robot to fall faster? Discounted return.
In every state, the algorithm will seek short-term rewards.
- During training, the best model is saved according to the average return, which is almost always 1.
Therefore, the last model will typically be superior for this example.
Expected evolution of episode length:
| o
| o
| oo
| ooooo
0.4s| oooooooooooooooo
|------------------------------> time
This example scales poorly with the number of CPUs because:
- It uses a small rollout buffer (n_steps_per_env * n_envs)
- The simulation workload is light
- For these reasons, the IPC overhead is significant