2024-05-06 19:33:33 +08:00
from collections import deque
from cpp . ball_predictor import ball_predictor
from cpp . localization import localization
from logs . Logger import Logger
from math import atan2 , pi
from math_ops . Matrix_4x4 import Matrix_4x4
from world . commons . Draw import Draw
from world . commons . Other_Robot import Other_Robot
from world . Robot import Robot
import numpy as np
class World ( ) :
STEPTIME = 0.02 # Fixed step time
STEPTIME_MS = 20 # Fixed step time in milliseconds
VISUALSTEP = 0.04 # Fixed visual step time
VISUALSTEP_MS = 40 # Fixed visual step time in milliseconds
# play modes in our favor
# play modes in their favor
# neutral play modes
M_PLAY_ON = 20
# play mode groups
MG_OTHER = 4 # play on, game over
FLAGS_CORNERS_POS = ( ( - 15 , - 10 , 0 ) , ( - 15 , + 10 , 0 ) , ( + 15 , - 10 , 0 ) , ( + 15 , + 10 , 0 ) )
FLAGS_POSTS_POS = ( ( - 15 , - 1.05 , 0.8 ) , ( - 15 , + 1.05 , 0.8 ) , ( + 15 , - 1.05 , 0.8 ) , ( + 15 , + 1.05 , 0.8 ) )
def __init__ ( self , robot_type : int , team_name : str , unum : int , apply_play_mode_correction : bool ,
enable_draw : bool , logger : Logger , host : str ) - > None :
self . team_name = team_name # Name of our team
self . team_name_opponent : str = None # Name of opponent team
self . apply_play_mode_correction = apply_play_mode_correction # True to adjust ball position according to play mode
self . step = 0 # Total number of received simulation steps (always in sync with self.time_local_ms)
self . time_server = 0.0 # Time, in seconds, as indicated by the server (this time is NOT reliable, use only for synchronization between agents)
self . time_local_ms = 0 # Reliable simulation time in milliseconds, use this when possible (it is incremented 20ms for every TCP message)
self . time_game = 0.0 # Game time, in seconds, as indicated by the server
self . goals_scored = 0 # Goals score by our team
self . goals_conceded = 0 # Goals conceded by our team
self . team_side_is_left : bool = None # True if our team plays on the left side (this value is later changed by the world parser)
self . play_mode = None # Play mode of the soccer game, provided by the server
self . play_mode_group = None # Certain play modes share characteristics, so it makes sense to group them
self . flags_corners : dict = None # corner flags, key=(x,y,z), always assume we play on the left side
self . flags_posts : dict = None # goal posts, key=(x,y,z), always assume we play on the left side
self . ball_rel_head_sph_pos = np . zeros ( 3 ) # Ball position relative to head (spherical coordinates) (m, deg, deg)
self . ball_rel_head_cart_pos = np . zeros ( 3 ) # Ball position relative to head (cartesian coordinates) (m)
self . ball_rel_torso_cart_pos = np . zeros ( 3 ) # Ball position relative to torso (cartesian coordinates) (m)
self . ball_rel_torso_cart_pos_history = deque ( maxlen = 20 ) # Ball position relative to torso history (queue with up to 20 old positions at intervals of 0.04s, where index 0 is the previous position)
self . ball_abs_pos = np . zeros ( 3 ) # Ball absolute position (up to date if self.ball_is_visible and self.robot.loc_is_up_to_date) (m)
self . ball_abs_pos_history = deque ( maxlen = 20 ) # Ball absolute position history (queue with up to 20 old positions at intervals of 0.04s, where index 0 is the previous position)
self . ball_abs_pos_last_update = 0 # World.time_local_ms when self.ball_abs_pos was last updated by vision or radio
self . ball_abs_vel = np . zeros ( 3 ) # Ball velocity vector based on the last 2 known values of self.ball_abs_pos (m/s) (Warning: noisy if ball is distant, use instead get_ball_abs_vel)
self . ball_abs_speed = 0 # Ball scalar speed based on the last 2 known values of self.ball_abs_pos (m/s) (Warning: noisy if ball is distant, use instead ||get_ball_abs_vel||)
self . ball_is_visible = False # True if the last server message contained vision information related to the ball
self . is_ball_abs_pos_from_vision = False # True if ball_abs_pos originated from vision, False if it originated from radio
self . ball_last_seen = 0 # World.time_local_ms when ball was last seen (note: may be different from self.ball_abs_pos_last_update)
self . ball_cheat_abs_pos = np . zeros ( 3 ) # Absolute ball position provided by the server as cheat (m)
self . ball_cheat_abs_vel = np . zeros ( 3 ) # Absolute velocity vector based on the last 2 values of self.ball_cheat_abs_pos (m/s)
self . ball_2d_pred_pos = np . zeros ( ( 1 , 2 ) ) # prediction of current and future 2D ball positions*
self . ball_2d_pred_vel = np . zeros ( ( 1 , 2 ) ) # prediction of current and future 2D ball velocities*
self . ball_2d_pred_spd = np . zeros ( 1 ) # prediction of current and future 2D ball linear speeds*
# *at intervals of 0.02 s until ball comes to a stop or gets out of bounds (according to prediction)
self . lines = np . zeros ( ( 30 , 6 ) ) # Position of visible lines, relative to head, start_pos+end_pos (spherical coordinates) (m, deg, deg, m, deg, deg)
self . line_count = 0 # Number of visible lines
self . vision_last_update = 0 # World.time_local_ms when last vision update was received
self . vision_is_up_to_date = False # True if the last server message contained vision information
self . teammates = [ Other_Robot ( i , True ) for i in range ( 1 , 12 ) ] # List of teammates, ordered by unum
self . opponents = [ Other_Robot ( i , False ) for i in range ( 1 , 12 ) ] # List of opponents, ordered by unum
self . teammates [ unum - 1 ] . is_self = True # This teammate is self
self . draw = Draw ( enable_draw , unum , host , 32769 ) # Draw object for current player
self . team_draw = Draw ( enable_draw , 0 , host , 32769 ) # Draw object shared with teammates
self . logger = logger
self . robot = Robot ( unum , robot_type )
2024-05-06 21:57:43 +08:00
2024-05-06 19:33:33 +08:00
def log ( self , msg : str ) :
Shortcut for :
self . logger . write ( msg , True , self . step )
- - - - - - - - - -
msg : str
message to be written after the simulation step
self . logger . write ( msg , True , self . step )
def get_ball_rel_vel ( self , history_steps : int ) :
Get ball velocity , relative to torso ( m / s )
- - - - - - - - - -
history_steps : int
number of history steps to consider [ 1 , 20 ]
- - - - - - - -
get_ball_rel_vel ( 1 ) is equivalent to ( current rel pos - last rel pos ) / 0.04
get_ball_rel_vel ( 2 ) is equivalent to ( current rel pos - rel pos 0.08 s ago ) / 0.08
get_ball_rel_vel ( 3 ) is equivalent to ( current rel pos - rel pos 0.12 s ago ) / 0.12
assert 1 < = history_steps < = 20 , " Argument ' history_steps ' must be in range [1,20] "
if len ( self . ball_rel_torso_cart_pos_history ) == 0 :
return np . zeros ( 3 )
h_step = min ( history_steps , len ( self . ball_rel_torso_cart_pos_history ) )
t = h_step * World . VISUALSTEP
return ( self . ball_rel_torso_cart_pos - self . ball_rel_torso_cart_pos_history [ h_step - 1 ] ) / t
def get_ball_abs_vel ( self , history_steps : int ) :
Get ball absolute velocity ( m / s )
- - - - - - - - - -
history_steps : int
number of history steps to consider [ 1 , 20 ]
- - - - - - - -
get_ball_abs_vel ( 1 ) is equivalent to ( current abs pos - last abs pos ) / 0.04
get_ball_abs_vel ( 2 ) is equivalent to ( current abs pos - abs pos 0.08 s ago ) / 0.08
get_ball_abs_vel ( 3 ) is equivalent to ( current abs pos - abs pos 0.12 s ago ) / 0.12
assert 1 < = history_steps < = 20 , " Argument ' history_steps ' must be in range [1,20] "
if len ( self . ball_abs_pos_history ) == 0 :
return np . zeros ( 3 )
h_step = min ( history_steps , len ( self . ball_abs_pos_history ) )
t = h_step * World . VISUALSTEP
return ( self . ball_abs_pos - self . ball_abs_pos_history [ h_step - 1 ] ) / t
def get_predicted_ball_pos ( self , max_speed ) :
Get predicted 2 D ball position when its predicted speed is equal to or less than ` max_speed `
In case that position exceeds the prediction horizon , the last available prediction is returned
- - - - - - - - - -
max_speed : float
maximum speed at which the ball will be moving at returned future position
b_sp = self . ball_2d_pred_spd
index = len ( b_sp ) - max ( 1 , np . searchsorted ( b_sp [ : : - 1 ] , max_speed , side = ' right ' ) )
return self . ball_2d_pred_pos [ index ]
def get_intersection_point_with_ball ( self , player_speed ) :
Get 2 D intersection point with moving ball , based on ` self . ball_2d_pred_pos `
- - - - - - - - - -
player_speed : float
average speed at which the robot will chase the ball
- - - - - - -
2 D intersection point : ndarray
2 D intersection point with moving ball , assuming the robot moves at an avg . speed of ` player_speed `
intersection distance : float
distance between current robot position and intersection point
params = np . array ( [ * self . robot . loc_head_position [ : 2 ] , player_speed * 0.02 , * self . ball_2d_pred_pos . flat ] , np . float32 )
pred_ret = ball_predictor . get_intersection ( params )
return pred_ret [ : 2 ] , pred_ret [ 2 ]
def update ( self ) :
r = self . robot
PM = self . play_mode
W = World
# reset variables
r . loc_is_up_to_date = False
r . loc_head_z_is_up_to_date = False
# update play mode groups
if PM in ( W . M_PLAY_ON , W . M_GAME_OVER ) : # most common group
self . play_mode_group = W . MG_OTHER
self . play_mode_group = W . MG_OUR_KICK
self . play_mode_group = W . MG_THEIR_KICK
elif PM in ( W . M_BEFORE_KICKOFF , W . M_THEIR_GOAL ) :
self . play_mode_group = W . MG_ACTIVE_BEAM
elif PM in ( W . M_OUR_GOAL , ) :
self . play_mode_group = W . MG_PASSIVE_BEAM
elif PM is not None :
raise ValueError ( f ' Unexpected play mode ID: { PM } ' )
r . update_pose ( ) # update forward kinematics
if self . vision_is_up_to_date : # update vision based localization
# Prepare all variables for localization
feet_contact = np . zeros ( 6 )
lf_contact = r . frp . get ( ' lf ' , None )
rf_contact = r . frp . get ( ' rf ' , None )
if lf_contact is not None :
feet_contact [ 0 : 3 ] = Matrix_4x4 ( r . body_parts [ " lfoot " ] . transform ) . translate ( lf_contact [ 0 : 3 ] , True ) . get_translation ( )
if rf_contact is not None :
feet_contact [ 3 : 6 ] = Matrix_4x4 ( r . body_parts [ " rfoot " ] . transform ) . translate ( rf_contact [ 0 : 3 ] , True ) . get_translation ( )
ball_pos = np . concatenate ( ( self . ball_rel_head_cart_pos , self . ball_cheat_abs_pos ) )
corners_list = [ [ key in self . flags_corners , 1.0 , * key , * self . flags_corners . get ( key , ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ] for key in World . FLAGS_CORNERS_POS ]
posts_list = [ [ key in self . flags_posts , 0.0 , * key , * self . flags_posts . get ( key , ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ) ] for key in World . FLAGS_POSTS_POS ]
all_landmarks = np . array ( corners_list + posts_list , float )
# Compute localization
loc = localization . compute (
r . feet_toes_are_touching [ ' lf ' ] ,
r . feet_toes_are_touching [ ' rf ' ] ,
feet_contact ,
self . ball_is_visible ,
ball_pos ,
r . cheat_abs_pos ,
all_landmarks ,
self . lines [ 0 : self . line_count ] )
r . update_localization ( loc , self . time_local_ms )
# Update self in teammates list (only the most useful parameters, add as needed)
me = self . teammates [ r . unum - 1 ]
me . state_last_update = r . loc_last_update
me . state_abs_pos = r . loc_head_position
me . state_fallen = r . loc_head_z < 0.3 # uses same criterion as for other teammates - not as reliable as player.behavior.is_ready("Get_Up")
me . state_orientation = r . loc_torso_orientation
me . state_ground_area = ( r . loc_head_position [ : 2 ] , 0.2 ) # relevant for localization demo
# Save last ball position to history at every vision cycle (even if not up to date)
self . ball_abs_pos_history . appendleft ( self . ball_abs_pos ) # from vision or radio
self . ball_rel_torso_cart_pos_history . appendleft ( self . ball_rel_head_cart_pos )
Get ball position based on vision or play mode
Sources :
Corner kick position - rcssserver3d / plugin / soccer / soccerruleaspect / soccerruleaspect . cpp : 1927 ( May 2022 )
Goal kick position - rcssserver3d / plugin / soccer / soccerruleaspect / soccerruleaspect . cpp : 1900 ( May 2022 )
ball = None
if self . apply_play_mode_correction :
ball = np . array ( [ 15 , 5.483 if self . ball_abs_pos [ 1 ] > 0 else - 5.483 , 0.042 ] , float )
ball = np . array ( [ - 15 , 5.483 if self . ball_abs_pos [ 1 ] > 0 else - 5.483 , 0.042 ] , float )
ball = np . array ( [ 0 , 0 , 0.042 ] , float )
elif PM == W . M_OUR_GOAL_KICK :
ball = np . array ( [ - 14 , 0 , 0.042 ] , float )
elif PM == W . M_THEIR_GOAL_KICK :
ball = np . array ( [ 14 , 0 , 0.042 ] , float )
# Discard hard-coded ball position if robot is near that position (in favor of its own vision)
if ball is not None and np . linalg . norm ( r . loc_head_position [ : 2 ] - ball [ : 2 ] ) < 1 :
ball = None
if ball is None and self . ball_is_visible and r . loc_is_up_to_date :
ball = r . loc_head_to_field_transform ( self . ball_rel_head_cart_pos )
ball [ 2 ] = max ( ball [ 2 ] , 0.042 ) # lowest z = ball radius
if PM != W . M_BEFORE_KICKOFF : # for compatibility with tests without active soccer rules
ball [ : 2 ] = np . clip ( ball [ : 2 ] , [ - 15 , - 10 ] , [ 15 , 10 ] ) # force ball position to be inside field
# Update internal ball position (also updated by Radio)
if ball is not None :
time_diff = ( self . time_local_ms - self . ball_abs_pos_last_update ) / 1000
self . ball_abs_vel = ( ball - self . ball_abs_pos ) / time_diff
self . ball_abs_speed = np . linalg . norm ( self . ball_abs_vel )
self . ball_abs_pos_last_update = self . time_local_ms
self . ball_abs_pos = ball
self . is_ball_abs_pos_from_vision = True
# Velocity decay for teammates and opponents (it is later neutralized if the velocity is updated)
for p in self . teammates :
p . state_filtered_velocity * = p . vel_decay
for p in self . opponents :
p . state_filtered_velocity * = p . vel_decay
# Update teammates and opponents
if r . loc_is_up_to_date :
for p in self . teammates :
if not p . is_self : # if teammate is not self
if p . is_visible : # if teammate is visible, execute full update
self . update_other_robot ( p )
elif p . state_abs_pos is not None : # otherwise update its horizontal distance (assuming last known position)
p . state_horizontal_dist = np . linalg . norm ( r . loc_head_position [ : 2 ] - p . state_abs_pos [ : 2 ] )
for p in self . opponents :
if p . is_visible : # if opponent is visible, execute full update
self . update_other_robot ( p )
elif p . state_abs_pos is not None : # otherwise update its horizontal distance (assuming last known position)
p . state_horizontal_dist = np . linalg . norm ( r . loc_head_position [ : 2 ] - p . state_abs_pos [ : 2 ] )
# Update prediction of ball position/velocity
if self . play_mode_group != W . MG_OTHER : # not 'play on' nor 'game over', so ball must be stationary
self . ball_2d_pred_pos = self . ball_abs_pos [ : 2 ] . copy ( ) . reshape ( 1 , 2 )
self . ball_2d_pred_vel = np . zeros ( ( 1 , 2 ) )
self . ball_2d_pred_spd = np . zeros ( 1 )
elif self . ball_abs_pos_last_update == self . time_local_ms : # make new prediction for new ball position (from vision or radio)
params = np . array ( [ * self . ball_abs_pos [ : 2 ] , * np . copy ( self . get_ball_abs_vel ( 6 ) [ : 2 ] ) ] , np . float32 )
pred_ret = ball_predictor . predict_rolling_ball ( params )
sample_no = len ( pred_ret ) / / 5 * 2
self . ball_2d_pred_pos = pred_ret [ : sample_no ] . reshape ( - 1 , 2 )
self . ball_2d_pred_vel = pred_ret [ sample_no : sample_no * 2 ] . reshape ( - 1 , 2 )
self . ball_2d_pred_spd = pred_ret [ sample_no * 2 : ]
elif len ( self . ball_2d_pred_pos ) > 1 : # otherwise, advance to next predicted step, if available
self . ball_2d_pred_pos = self . ball_2d_pred_pos [ 1 : ]
self . ball_2d_pred_vel = self . ball_2d_pred_vel [ 1 : ]
self . ball_2d_pred_spd = self . ball_2d_pred_spd [ 1 : ]
r . update_imu ( self . time_local_ms ) # update imu (must be executed after localization)
if self . ball_is_visible :
# Compute ball position, relative to torso
self . ball_rel_torso_cart_pos = r . head_to_body_part_transform ( " torso " , self . ball_rel_head_cart_pos )
def update_other_robot ( self , other_robot : Other_Robot ) :
Update other robot state based on the relative position of visible body parts
( also updated by Radio , with the exception of state_orientation )
o = other_robot
r = self . robot
# update body parts absolute positions
o . state_body_parts_abs_pos = o . body_parts_cart_rel_pos . copy ( )
for bp , pos in o . body_parts_cart_rel_pos . items ( ) :
# Using the IMU could be beneficial if we see other robots but can't self-locate
o . state_body_parts_abs_pos [ bp ] = r . loc_head_to_field_transform ( pos , False )
# auxiliary variables
bps_apos = o . state_body_parts_abs_pos # read-only shortcut
bps_2d_apos_list = [ v [ : 2 ] for v in bps_apos . values ( ) ] # list of body parts' 2D absolute positions
avg_2d_pt = np . average ( bps_2d_apos_list , axis = 0 ) # 2D avg pos of visible body parts
head_is_visible = ' head ' in bps_apos
# evaluate robot's state (unchanged if head is not visible)
if head_is_visible :
o . state_fallen = bps_apos [ ' head ' ] [ 2 ] < 0.3
# compute velocity if head is visible
if o . state_abs_pos is not None :
time_diff = ( self . time_local_ms - o . state_last_update ) / 1000
if head_is_visible :
# if last position is 2D, we assume that the z coordinate did not change, so that v.z=0
old_p = o . state_abs_pos if len ( o . state_abs_pos ) == 3 else np . append ( o . state_abs_pos , bps_apos [ ' head ' ] [ 2 ] )
velocity = ( bps_apos [ ' head ' ] - old_p ) / time_diff
decay = o . vel_decay # neutralize decay in all axes
else : # if head is not visible, we only update the x & y components of the velocity
velocity = np . append ( ( avg_2d_pt - o . state_abs_pos [ : 2 ] ) / time_diff , 0 )
decay = ( o . vel_decay , o . vel_decay , 1 ) # neutralize decay (except in the z-axis)
# apply filter
if np . linalg . norm ( velocity - o . state_filtered_velocity ) < 4 : # otherwise assume it was beamed
o . state_filtered_velocity / = decay # neutralize decay
o . state_filtered_velocity + = o . vel_filter * ( velocity - o . state_filtered_velocity )
# compute robot's position (preferably based on head)
if head_is_visible :
o . state_abs_pos = bps_apos [ ' head ' ] # 3D head position, if head is visible
else :
o . state_abs_pos = avg_2d_pt # 2D avg pos of visible body parts
# compute robot's horizontal distance (head distance, or avg. distance of visible body parts)
o . state_horizontal_dist = np . linalg . norm ( r . loc_head_position [ : 2 ] - o . state_abs_pos [ : 2 ] )
# compute orientation based on pair of lower arms or feet, or average of both
lr_vec = None
if ' llowerarm ' in bps_apos and ' rlowerarm ' in bps_apos :
lr_vec = bps_apos [ ' rlowerarm ' ] - bps_apos [ ' llowerarm ' ]
if ' lfoot ' in bps_apos and ' rfoot ' in bps_apos :
if lr_vec is None :
lr_vec = bps_apos [ ' rfoot ' ] - bps_apos [ ' lfoot ' ]
else :
lr_vec = ( lr_vec + ( bps_apos [ ' rfoot ' ] - bps_apos [ ' lfoot ' ] ) ) / 2
if lr_vec is not None :
o . state_orientation = atan2 ( lr_vec [ 1 ] , lr_vec [ 0 ] ) * 180 / pi + 90
# compute projection of player area on ground (circle)
if o . state_horizontal_dist < 4 : # we don't need precision if the robot is farther than 4m
max_dist = np . max ( np . linalg . norm ( bps_2d_apos_list - avg_2d_pt , axis = 1 ) )
else :
max_dist = 0.2
o . state_ground_area = ( avg_2d_pt , max_dist )
# update timestamp
o . state_last_update = self . time_local_ms