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204 lines
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9 months ago
from agent.Base_Agent import Base_Agent as Agent
from cpp.a_star import a_star
from scripts.commons.Script import Script
import numpy as np
import time
param_vec (numpy array, float32)
param_vec[0] - start x
param_vec[1] - start y
param_vec[2] - allow path to go out of bounds? (useful when player does not have the ball)
param_vec[3] - go to opposite goal? (path goes to the most efficient part of the goal)
param_vec[4] - target x (only used if param_vec[3]==0)
param_vec[5] - target y (only used if param_vec[3]==0)
param_vec[6] - timeout in us (maximum execution time)
-------------- [optional] ----------------
param_vec[ 7-11] - obstacle 1: x, y, hard radius (max:5m), soft radius (max:5m), repulsive force for soft radius (min:0)
param_vec[12-16] - obstacle 2: x, y, hard radius (max:5m), soft radius (max:5m), repulsive force for soft radius (min:0)
... - obstacle n: x, y, hard radius (max:5m), soft radius (max:5m), repulsive force for soft radius (min:0)
---------------- return ------------------
path_ret : numpy array (float32)
contains path from start to target (up to a maximum of 1024 positions)
each position is composed of x,y coordinates (so, up to 2048 coordinates)
the return vector is flat (1 dimension) (e.g. [x1,y1,x2,y2,x3,y3,...])
reasons why path may not end in target:
- path is longer than 1024 positions (which is at least 102 meters!)
- reaching target is impossible or timeout (in which case, the path ends in the closest position to target found)
number indicating the path status
0 - success
1 - timeout before the target was reached (may be impossible)
2 - impossible to reach target (all options were tested)
3 - no obstacles between start and target (path_ret[:-2] contains only 2 points: the start and target)
A* path cost
Map of field:
- The algorithm has a 32m by 22m map with a precision of 10cm (same dimension as field +1 meter border)
- The map contains information about field lines, goal posts and goal net
- The path may go outside the field (out of bounds) if the user allows it,
but it may never go through goal posts or the goal net (these are considered static inaccessible obstacles)
- The user must only specify dynamic obstacles through the arguments
Repulsive force:
- The repulsive force is implemented as an extra cost for the A* algorithm
- The cost for walking 10cm is 1, and the cost for walking diagonally is sqrt(2)
- The extra cost of stepping on a position with a repulsive force f=1 is 1
- For any given position on the field, the repulsive force of >=2 objects is combined with the max function, max(f1,f2), NOT f1+f2!
- If path starts on inaccessible position, it can go to a neighbor inaccessible position but there is a cost of 100 (to avoid inaccessible paths)
Map 1 Map 2 Map 3
..x.. ..o.. ..o..
..1.. ..o.. .o1..
..o.. ..o.. ..o..
Consider 'Map 1' where 'x' is the target, 'o' is the player, and '1' is a repulsive force of 1
In 'Map 2', the player chooses to go forward, the total cost of this path is: 1+(extra=1)+1 = 3
In 'Map 3', the player avoids the repulsive force, the total cost of this path is: sqrt(2)+sqrt(2) = 2.83 (optimal solution)
Map 1 Map 2 Map 3 Map 4
...x... ..oo... ...o... ...o...
..123.. .o123.. ..o23.. ..1o3..
...o... ..oo... ...o... ...o...
Consider 'Map 1' with 3 positions with 3 distinct repulsive forces, going from 1 to 3.
In 'Map 2', the player avoids all repulsive forces, total cost: 1+sqrt(2)+sqrt(2)+1 = 4.83
In 'Map 3', the player goes through the smallest repulsive force, total cost: sqrt(2)+(extra=1)+sqrt(2) = 3.83 (optimal solution)
In 'Map 4', the player chooses to go forward, total cost: 1+(extra=2)+1 = 4.00
hard radius: inaccessible obstacle radius (infinite repulsive force)
soft radius: accessible obstacle radius with user-defined repulsive force (fades with distance) (disabled if <= hard radius)
obstacle(0,0,1,3,5) -> obstacle at pos(0,0) with hard radius of 1m, soft radius of 3m with repulsive force 5
- the path cannot be at <=1m from this obstacle, unless the path were to start inside that radius
- the soft radius force is maximum at the center (5) and fades with distance until (0) at 3m from the obstacle
- so to sum up, at a distance of [0,1]m the force is infinite, [1,3]m the force goes from 3.333 to 0
obstacle(-2.1,3,0,0,0) -> obstacle at pos(-2.1,3) with hard radius of 0m, soft radius of 0m with repulsive force 0
- the path cannot go through (-2.1,3)
obstacle(-2.16,3,0,0,8) -> obstacle at pos(-2.2,3) with hard radius of 0m, soft radius of 0m with repulsive force 8
- the path cannot go through (-2.2,3), the map has a precision of 10cm, so the obstacle is placed at the nearest valid position
- the repulsive force is ignored because (soft radius <= hard radius)
class Pathfinding():
def __init__(self, script:Script) -> None:
self.script = script
a_star.compute(np.zeros(6, np.float32)) # Initialize (not needed, but the first run takes a bit more time)
def draw_grid(self):
d =
MAX_RAW_COST = 0.6 # dribble cushion
for x in np.arange(-16,16.01,0.1):
for y in np.arange(-11,11.01,0.1):
s_in, cost_in = a_star.compute(np.array([x, y, 0, 0, x, y, 5000], np.float32))[-2:] # do not allow out of bounds
s_out, cost_out = a_star.compute(np.array([x, y, 1, 0, x, y, 5000], np.float32))[-2:] # allow out of bounds
#print(path_cost_in, path_cost_out)
if s_out != 3:
d.point((x,y), 5,, "grid", False)
elif s_in != 3:
d.point((x,y), 4, d.Color.blue_pale, "grid", False)
elif 0 < cost_in < MAX_RAW_COST + 1e-6:
d.point((x,y), 4, d.Color.get(255,(1-cost_in/MAX_RAW_COST)*255,0), "grid", False)
elif cost_in > MAX_RAW_COST:
d.point((x,y), 4,, "grid", False)
# d.point((x,y), 4, d.Color.white, "grid", False)
def sync(self):
r =
self.player.scom.commit_and_send( r.get_command() )
def draw_path_and_obstacles(self, obst, path_ret_pb, path_ret_bp):
w =
# draw obstacles
for i in range(0,len(obst[0]),5):
|[0][i:i+2], obst[0][i+2], 2,, "obstacles", False)
|[0][i:i+2], obst[0][i+3], 2,, "obstacles", False)
# draw path
path_pb = path_ret_pb[:-2] # create view without status
path_status_pb = path_ret_pb[-2] # extract status
path_cost_pb = path_ret_pb[-1] # extract A* cost
path_bp = path_ret_bp[:-2] # create view without status
path_status_bp = path_ret_bp[-2] # extract status
path_cost_bp = path_ret_bp[-1] # extract A* cost
c_pb = {0: w.draw.Color.green_lime, 1: w.draw.Color.yellow, 2:, 3: w.draw.Color.blue_light}[path_status_pb]
c_bp = {0: w.draw.Color.green_pale, 1: w.draw.Color.yellow_light, 2: w.draw.Color.red_salmon, 3: w.draw.Color.blue_pale}[path_status_bp]
for i in range(2,len(path_pb)-2,2):
w.draw.line(path_pb[i-2:i],path_pb[i:i+2], 5, c_pb, "path_player_ball", False)
if len(path_pb)>=4:
w.draw.arrow(path_pb[-4:-2],path_pb[-2:],0.4, 5, c_pb, "path_player_ball", False)
for i in range(2,len(path_bp)-2,2):
w.draw.line(path_bp[i-2:i],path_bp[i:i+2], 5, c_bp, "path_ball_player", False)
if len(path_bp)>=4:
w.draw.arrow(path_bp[-4:-2],path_bp[-2:],0.4, 5, c_bp, "path_ball_player", False)
def move_obstacles(self, obst):
for i in range(len(obst[0])//5):
obst[0][i*5] +=obst[1][i,0]
if not -16<obst[0][i*5] <16: obst[1][i,0] *=-1
if not -11<obst[0][i*5+1]<11: obst[1][i,1] *=-1
def execute(self):
a = self.script.args
self.player = Agent(a.i, a.p, a.m, a.u, a.r, a.t) # Args: Server IP, Agent Port, Monitor Port, Uniform No., Robot Type, Team Name
w =
r =
timeout = 5000
go_to_goal = 0
obst_no = 50
obst = [[0,0,0.5,1,1]*obst_no, np.random.uniform(-0.01,0.01,(obst_no,2))] # obst[x,y,h,s,f] + random velocity
print("\nMove player/ball around using RoboViz!")
print("Press ctrl+c to return.")
print("\nPathfinding timeout set to", timeout, "us.")
print("Pathfinding execution time:")
while True:
ball = w.ball_abs_pos[:2]
rpos = r.loc_head_position[:2]
param_vec_pb = np.array([*rpos, 1, go_to_goal, *ball, timeout, *obst[0]], np.float32) # allow out of bounds (player->ball)
param_vec_bp = np.array([*ball, 0, go_to_goal, *rpos, timeout, *obst[0]], np.float32) # don't allow (ball->player)
t1 = time.time()
path_ret_pb = a_star.compute(param_vec_pb)
t2 = time.time()
path_ret_bp = a_star.compute(param_vec_bp)
t3 = time.time()
print(end=f"\rplayer->ball {int((t2-t1)*1000000):5}us (len:{len(path_ret_pb[:-2])//2:4}) ball->player {int((t3-t2)*1000000):5}us (len:{len(path_ret_bp[:-2])//2:4}) ")
self.draw_path_and_obstacles( obst, path_ret_pb, path_ret_bp )