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2024-05-06 19:33:33 +08:00
* DESCRIPTION: Field map
* AUTHOR: Miguel Abreu (m.abreu@fe.up.pt)
* DATE: 2021
#pragma once
#include "Vector3f.h"
#include "Singleton.h"
#include "Matrix4D.h"
#include "Line6f.h"
#include <vector>
#include <array>
using namespace std;
class Field {
friend class Singleton<Field>;
void gather_ground_markers();
//====================================================================================== Structures
struct sVector3d {
double x,y,z;
//sVector3d(const Vector3f& v) : x(v.x), y(v.y), z(v.z) {}
Vector3f get_vector() const {
return Vector3f(x,y,z);
void set(const sVector3d &pt){
x=pt.x; y=pt.y; z=pt.z;
void set(const Vector3f &pt){
x=pt.x; y=pt.y; z=pt.z;
float dist(const Vector3f &other) const{
float dx = x-other.x;
float dy = y-other.y;
float dz = z-other.z;
return sqrtf(dx*dx+dy*dy+dz*dz);
struct sFieldPoint {
const sVector3d pt;
const char name[10];
Vector3f get_vector() const {
return Vector3f(pt.x,pt.y,pt.z);
struct sFieldSegment {
const sFieldPoint * const point[2];
const double length;
const double angle;
const char name[8];
struct sMarker {
* Estimated absolute position based on the transformation matrix and field knowledge
sVector3d absPos;
* Pointer to corresponding field point (if reasonably inside the FoV)
* The coordinates are the same as "absPos" but it provides other features:
* - Name of the field point
* - Knowledge that this marker corresponds to a field point (nullptr otherwise)
* - The address of the fieldPt may be compared with field segment endpoints
const sFieldPoint *fieldPt = nullptr;
* Pointer to corresponding field segment
* This variable is currently set only for unknown markers
* (i.e. those which are known to belong to a field line, but whose field point is unknown)
const sFieldSegment *fieldSeg = nullptr;
Vector3f relPosPolar;
Vector3f relPosCart;
* Default constructor
sMarker() : absPos({0,0,0}), relPosPolar(Vector3f()), relPosCart(Vector3f()) {};
* Constructor with absolute position and relative polar coordinates (the cartesian version is computed)
sMarker(const sVector3d& absPos_, const Vector3f& relPosPolar_)
: absPos(absPos_), relPosPolar(relPosPolar_), relPosCart(relPosPolar_.toCartesian()) {};
* Constructor with field point and relative polar coordinates (the cartesian version is computed)
sMarker(const sFieldPoint* fieldPt_, const Vector3f& relPosPolar_)
: absPos(fieldPt_->pt), fieldPt(fieldPt_), relPosPolar(relPosPolar_), relPosCart(relPosPolar_.toCartesian()) {};
* Constructor with float absolute position and relative polar coordinates (the cartesian version is computed)
sMarker(const Vector3f& absPos_, const Vector3f& relPosPolar_)
: absPos(sVector3d({absPos_.x,absPos_.y,absPos_.z})), relPosPolar(relPosPolar_), relPosCart(relPosPolar_.toCartesian()) {};
* Constructor with absolute position, relative polar & cartesian coordinates
sMarker(const sVector3d& absPos_, const Vector3f& relPosPolar_, const Vector3f& relPosCart_)
: absPos(absPos_), relPosPolar(relPosPolar_), relPosCart(relPosCart_) {};
* Constructor with field segment, absolute position, relative polar & cartesian coordinates (e.g. unknown marker)
sMarker(const sFieldSegment* fieldSeg_, const sVector3d& absPos_, const Vector3f& relPosPolar_, const Vector3f& relPosCart_)
: fieldSeg(fieldSeg_), absPos(absPos_), relPosPolar(relPosPolar_), relPosCart(relPosCart_) {};
* Constructor with field point, relative polar & cartesian coordinates
sMarker(const sFieldPoint* fieldPt_, const Vector3f& relPosPolar_, const Vector3f& relPosCart_)
: absPos(fieldPt_->pt), fieldPt(fieldPt_), relPosPolar(relPosPolar_), relPosCart(relPosCart_) {};
struct sSegment {
* Order of start and end is the same as the corresponding fieldSegment
* [0]-start, [1]-end
sMarker point[2];
float length; //visible segment length
const sFieldSegment* fieldSegment; //Corresponding field segment if we had full visibility
* Constructor
sSegment(const sMarker& start, const sMarker& end, float length_, const sFieldSegment* fieldSegment_)
: point{start,end}, length(length_), fieldSegment(fieldSegment_) {};
struct sFixedMarker {
bool visible;
Vector3f relPosPolar;
Vector3f relPosCart;
* Default constructor
sFixedMarker() : relPosPolar(Vector3f()), relPosCart(Vector3f()), visible(false) {};
void set_relPos(Vector3f relPosPolar_){
relPosPolar = relPosPolar_;
relPosCart = relPosPolar_.toCartesian();
//================================================================================= Field constants
* Constant field dimensions
static constexpr double cFieldLength = 30.0, cFieldWidth = 20.0, cPenaltyLength = 1.8, cPenaltyWidth = 6.0;
static constexpr double cGoalWidth = 2.1, cGoalDepth = 0.6, cGoalHeight = 0.8;
static constexpr double cHalfFielfLength = cFieldLength/2.0, cHalfFieldWidth = cFieldWidth/2.0;
static constexpr double cHalfGoalWidth = cGoalWidth/2.0, cHalfPenaltyLength = cPenaltyLength/2.0;
static constexpr double cHalfPenaltyWidth = cPenaltyWidth/2.0;
static constexpr double cPenaltyBoxDistX = cHalfFielfLength-cPenaltyLength;
static constexpr double cRingLineLength = 1.2360679774997897;
static constexpr float cHalfHorizontalFoV = 60;
static constexpr float cHalfVerticalFoV = 60;
static constexpr float stdev_distance = 0.0965; //st. deviation of error ed (distance error=d/100*ed)
static constexpr float var_distance = 0.00931225; // variance of error ed (distance error=d/100*ed)
static constexpr float var_round_hundredth = 0.01*0.01/12; //variance of uniformly distributed random variable [-0.005,0.005]
class cFieldPoints{
* Constant list of field points
* Notation
* "PT1-.-PT2" midpoint between PT1 and PT2 (2D/3D)
* "PT1-PT2" point between PT1 and PT2 (in 2D only)
static constexpr std::array<sFieldPoint,28> list {{
{-cHalfFielfLength,-cHalfGoalWidth, cGoalHeight, "post--"}, {-cHalfFielfLength, cHalfGoalWidth, cGoalHeight, "post-+"}, //Goalposts x<0
{ cHalfFielfLength,-cHalfGoalWidth, cGoalHeight, "post+-"}, { cHalfFielfLength, cHalfGoalWidth, cGoalHeight, "post++"}, //Goalposts x>0
{-cHalfFielfLength,-cHalfFieldWidth,0, "corner--"}, {-cHalfFielfLength, cHalfFieldWidth,0, "corner-+"}, //Corners x<0
{ cHalfFielfLength,-cHalfFieldWidth,0, "corner+-"}, { cHalfFielfLength, cHalfFieldWidth,0, "corner++"}, //Corners x>0
{0,-cHalfFieldWidth, 0, "halfway-"}, // Halfway line ending y<0
{0, cHalfFieldWidth, 0, "halfway+"}, // Halfway line ending y>0
{-cHalfFielfLength, -cHalfPenaltyWidth, 0, "boxBack--"}, {-cHalfFielfLength, cHalfPenaltyWidth, 0, "boxBack-+"}, //Penalty box goal line corner x<0
{ cHalfFielfLength, -cHalfPenaltyWidth, 0, "boxBack+-"}, { cHalfFielfLength, cHalfPenaltyWidth, 0, "boxBack++"}, //Penalty box goal line corner x>0
{-cPenaltyBoxDistX, -cHalfPenaltyWidth, 0, "boxFrnt--"}, {-cPenaltyBoxDistX, cHalfPenaltyWidth, 0, "boxFrnt-+"}, //Penalty box front corner x<0
{ cPenaltyBoxDistX, -cHalfPenaltyWidth, 0, "boxFrnt+-"}, { cPenaltyBoxDistX, cHalfPenaltyWidth, 0, "boxFrnt++"}, //Penalty box front corner x>0
{2, 0, 0, "r0"}, { 1.6180339887498948, 1.1755705045849463, 0, "r36" }, //(18,19) Ring 0/36 deg
{0.61803398874989485, 1.9021130325903071, 0, "r72" }, {-0.61803398874989485, 1.9021130325903071, 0, "r108"}, //(20,21) Ring 72/108 deg
{-1.6180339887498948, 1.1755705045849463, 0, "r144"}, {-2, 0, 0, "r180"}, //(22,23) Ring 144/180 deg
{-1.6180339887498948, -1.1755705045849463, 0, "r216"}, {-0.61803398874989485, -1.9021130325903071, 0, "r252"}, //(24,25) Ring 216/252 deg
{0.61803398874989485, -1.9021130325903071, 0, "r288"}, { 1.6180339887498948, -1.1755705045849463, 0, "r324"} //(26,27) Ring 288/324 deg
static constexpr const sFieldPoint &goal_mm = list[0]; //Goalpost x<0 y<0
static constexpr const sFieldPoint &goal_mp = list[1]; //Goalpost x<0 y>0
static constexpr const sFieldPoint &goal_pm = list[2]; //Goalpost x>0 y<0
static constexpr const sFieldPoint &goal_pp = list[3]; //Goalpost x>0 y>0
static constexpr const sFieldPoint &corner_mm = list[4]; //Corner x<0 y<0
static constexpr const sFieldPoint &corner_mp = list[5]; //Corner x<0 y>0
static constexpr const sFieldPoint &corner_pm = list[6]; //Corner x>0 y<0
static constexpr const sFieldPoint &corner_pp = list[7]; //Corner x>0 y>0
static constexpr const sFieldPoint &halfway_m = list[8]; //Halfway line ending y<0
static constexpr const sFieldPoint &halfway_p = list[9]; //Halfway line ending y>0
static constexpr const sFieldPoint &boxgoal_mm = list[10]; //Penalty box goal line corner x<0 y<0
static constexpr const sFieldPoint &boxgoal_mp = list[11]; //Penalty box goal line corner x<0 y>0
static constexpr const sFieldPoint &boxgoal_pm = list[12]; //Penalty box goal line corner x>0 y<0
static constexpr const sFieldPoint &boxgoal_pp = list[13]; //Penalty box goal line corner x>0 y>0
static constexpr const sFieldPoint &box_mm = list[14]; //Penalty box front corner x<0 y<0
static constexpr const sFieldPoint &box_mp = list[15]; //Penalty box front corner x<0 y>0
static constexpr const sFieldPoint &box_pm = list[16]; //Penalty box front corner x>0 y<0
static constexpr const sFieldPoint &box_pp = list[17]; //Penalty box front corner x>0 y>0
static constexpr const sFieldPoint *rings = &list[18]; //iterator for 10 ring points
* Constant list of field line segments
* Each line segment has 3 characteristics: {startc, endc, length, angle, print name},
* The angle is always positive, in [0,180[, and corresponds to the vector defined by (end-start)
* The print name should be used for printing purposes only,
* since the line segment can be identified by its constant index or address
class cFieldLineSegments{
static constexpr double c0deg = 0, c36deg = 0.62831853071795865, c72deg = 1.2566370614359173;
static constexpr double c90deg = 1.5707963267948966, c108deg = 1.8849555921538759, c144deg = 2.5132741228718346;
static constexpr std::array<sFieldSegment,21> list {{
{&cFieldPoints::corner_mm, &cFieldPoints::corner_pm, cFieldLength, c0deg , "side-"}, // Sideline y<0
{&cFieldPoints::corner_mp, &cFieldPoints::corner_pp, cFieldLength, c0deg , "side+"}, // Sideline y>0
{&cFieldPoints::corner_mm, &cFieldPoints::corner_mp, cFieldWidth, c90deg , "goal-"}, // Goal line x<0
{&cFieldPoints::corner_pm, &cFieldPoints::corner_pp, cFieldWidth, c90deg , "goal+"}, // Goal line x>0
{&cFieldPoints::halfway_m, &cFieldPoints::halfway_p, cFieldWidth, c90deg , "halfway"},// Halfway line
{&cFieldPoints::boxgoal_mm, &cFieldPoints::box_mm, cPenaltyLength, c0deg , "box--"}, // Penalty box sideline x<0 y<0
{&cFieldPoints::boxgoal_mp, &cFieldPoints::box_mp, cPenaltyLength, c0deg , "box-+"}, // Penalty box sideline x<0 y>0
{&cFieldPoints::box_pm, &cFieldPoints::boxgoal_pm, cPenaltyLength, c0deg , "box+-"}, // Penalty box sideline x>0 y<0
{&cFieldPoints::box_pp, &cFieldPoints::boxgoal_pp, cPenaltyLength, c0deg , "box++"}, // Penalty box sideline x>0 y>0
{&cFieldPoints::box_mm, &cFieldPoints::box_mp, cPenaltyWidth, c90deg , "box-"}, // Penalty box front line x<0
{&cFieldPoints::box_pm, &cFieldPoints::box_pp, cPenaltyWidth, c90deg , "box+"}, // Penalty box front line x>0
{&cFieldPoints::rings[0], &cFieldPoints::rings[1], cRingLineLength, c108deg, "rL0"}, // Ring line 0 -> 36
{&cFieldPoints::rings[1], &cFieldPoints::rings[2], cRingLineLength, c144deg, "rL1"}, // Ring line 36 -> 72
{&cFieldPoints::rings[3], &cFieldPoints::rings[2], cRingLineLength, c0deg , "rL2"}, // Ring line 72 <- 108
{&cFieldPoints::rings[4], &cFieldPoints::rings[3], cRingLineLength, c36deg , "rL3"}, // Ring line 108 <- 144
{&cFieldPoints::rings[5], &cFieldPoints::rings[4], cRingLineLength, c72deg , "rL4"}, // Ring line 144 <- 180
{&cFieldPoints::rings[6], &cFieldPoints::rings[5], cRingLineLength, c108deg, "rL5"}, // Ring line 180 <- 216
{&cFieldPoints::rings[7], &cFieldPoints::rings[6], cRingLineLength, c144deg, "rL6"}, // Ring line 216 <- 252
{&cFieldPoints::rings[7], &cFieldPoints::rings[8], cRingLineLength, c0deg , "rL7"}, // Ring line 252 -> 288
{&cFieldPoints::rings[8], &cFieldPoints::rings[9], cRingLineLength, c36deg , "rL8"}, // Ring line 288 -> 324
{&cFieldPoints::rings[9], &cFieldPoints::rings[0], cRingLineLength, c72deg , "rL9"} // Ring line 324 -> 0
static constexpr const sFieldSegment &side_m = list[0]; // Sideline y<0
static constexpr const sFieldSegment &side_p = list[1]; // Sideline y>0
static constexpr const sFieldSegment &goal_m = list[2]; // Goal line x<0
static constexpr const sFieldSegment &goal_p = list[3]; // Goal line x>0
static constexpr const sFieldSegment &halfway = list[4]; //Halfway line
static constexpr const sFieldSegment &box_mm = list[5]; // Penalty box sideline x<0 y<0
static constexpr const sFieldSegment &box_mp = list[6]; // Penalty box sideline x<0 y>0
static constexpr const sFieldSegment &box_pm = list[7]; // Penalty box sideline x>0 y<0
static constexpr const sFieldSegment &box_pp = list[8]; // Penalty box sideline x>0 y>0
static constexpr const sFieldSegment &box_m = list[9]; // Penalty box front line x<0
static constexpr const sFieldSegment &box_p = list[10]; // Penalty box front line x>0
static constexpr const sFieldSegment *rings = &list[11]; //iterator for 10 ring lines
sSegment* get_known_segment(const sFieldSegment &id){
for( auto& s : list_known_segments){
if(s.fieldSegment == &id) return &s;
return nullptr;
//================================================================================= Control methods
* Update markers, based on existing landmarks and lines
void update();
* Update markers, based on transformation matrix and existing lines
void update_from_transformation(const Matrix4D& tmatrix);
* Update the absolute position of unknown markers, based on transformation matrix and existing lines
void update_unknown_markers(const Matrix4D& tmatrix);
* Draw estimates of all visible lines, markers, self position and ball
void draw_visible(const Matrix4D& headToFieldT, bool is_right_side) const;
* Draw estimates of all visible lines, markers, self position and ball, but switch field sides
void draw_visible_switch(const Matrix4D& headToFieldT) const;
//============================================================================= Visible collections
* Visible landmarks: corners + goalposts
vector<sMarker> list_landmarks;
* Visible corners
vector<sMarker> list_landmarks_corners;
* Visible goalposts
vector<sMarker> list_landmarks_goalposts;
* Identified visible line segments
* Their start and endpoints' order is the same as the corresponding field segment to which they point
vector<sSegment> list_known_segments;
* Identified visible line segment endpoints + landmarks
* Each marker has a reference to the corresponding field point
vector<sMarker> list_known_markers;
* Endpoints (of identified visible line segments) whose corresponding field point is unknown
* Each marker has a reference to the corresponding field segment
* Note: list_known_markers + list_unknown_markers excludes points from unknown line segments
vector<sMarker> list_unknown_markers;
* Visible line endpoints + foot contact points + corner flags (the absolute position is always (0,0,0))
vector<sMarker> list_ground_markers;
* Number of visible non-collinear (line endpoints + foot contact points)
* Note: collinearity between lines is impossible; between feet<->lines it is possible but unlikely
int non_collinear_ground_markers;
* Same as list_ground_markers but closer points are repeated more often (proportional to distance)
vector<sMarker> list_weighted_ground_markers;
* Feet contact points
vector<sMarker> list_feet_contact_points;
* Visible line segments
vector<Line6f> list_segments;
* Redundant list of all 8 landmarks' relative cartesian coordinates (to speed up lookups)
* It's different from world.landmarks since it is ordered by position, not by name, and it holds the cartesian relPos
* (this ordering difference is important when the teams switch sides)
class list_8_landmarks{
friend class Field;
static sFixedMarker list[8];
//static std::array<sFixedMarker,8> list;
static constexpr sFixedMarker &_corner_mm = list[0];
static constexpr sFixedMarker &_corner_mp = list[1];
static constexpr sFixedMarker &_corner_pm = list[2];
static constexpr sFixedMarker &_corner_pp = list[3];
static constexpr sFixedMarker &_goal_mm = list[4];
static constexpr sFixedMarker &_goal_mp = list[5];
static constexpr sFixedMarker &_goal_pm = list[6];
static constexpr sFixedMarker &_goal_pp = list[7];
static constexpr const sFixedMarker &corner_mm = list[0];
static constexpr const sFixedMarker &corner_mp = list[1];
static constexpr const sFixedMarker &corner_pm = list[2];
static constexpr const sFixedMarker &corner_pp = list[3];
static constexpr const sFixedMarker &goal_mm = list[4];
static constexpr const sFixedMarker &goal_mp = list[5];
static constexpr const sFixedMarker &goal_pm = list[6];
static constexpr const sFixedMarker &goal_pp = list[7];
//================================================================================== Math Utilities
* Compute 3D distance between field line segment and cartesian point
* Field lines are on the ground (z=0), so the method is simplified
static float fieldLineSegmentDistToCartPoint(const sFieldSegment& fLine, const Vector3f& cp);
* Compute 2D distance between field line segment and cartesian point
* Field lines are on the ground (z=0), so the method is simplified
static float fieldLineSegmentDistToCart2DPoint(const sFieldSegment& fLine, const Vector& cp);
* Normalize angle between 2 lines
* @return angle between 0 and 90 deg
static inline float normalize_line_angle_deg(float deg){
return 90.f-fabsf(fmodf(fabsf(deg), 180.f) - 90.f);
* Normalize angle between 2 lines
* @return angle between 0 and pi/2 rad
static inline float normalize_line_angle_rad(float rad){
return 1.57079633f-fabsf(fmod(fabsf(rad), 3.14159265f) - 1.57079633f);
* Normalize angle between 2 vectors
* @return angle between 0 and 180 deg
static inline float normalize_vector_angle_deg(float deg){
return 180.f-fabsf(fmodf(fabsf(deg), 360.f) - 180.f);
* Normalize angle between 2 vectors
* @return angle between 0 and pi rad
static inline float normalize_vector_angle_rad(float rad){
return 3.14159265f-fabsf(fmod(fabsf(rad), 6.28318531f) - 3.14159265f);
typedef Singleton<Field> SField;