
536 lines
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Raw Normal View History

2024-05-06 19:33:33 +08:00
from collections import deque
from math import atan, pi, sqrt, tan
from math_ops.Math_Ops import Math_Ops as M
from math_ops.Matrix_3x3 import Matrix_3x3
from math_ops.Matrix_4x4 import Matrix_4x4
from world.commons.Body_Part import Body_Part
from world.commons.Joint_Info import Joint_Info
import numpy as np
import xml.etree.ElementTree as xmlp
class Robot():
STEPTIME = 0.02 # Fixed step time
VISUALSTEP = 0.04 # Fixed visual step time
GRAVITY = np.array([0,0,-9.81])
IMU_DECAY = 0.996 #IMU's velocity decay
#------------------ constants to force symmetry in joints/effectors
MAP_PERCEPTOR_TO_INDEX = {"hj1":0, "hj2":1, "llj1":2, "rlj1":3,
"llj2":4, "rlj2":5, "llj3":6, "rlj3":7,
"llj4":8, "rlj4":9, "llj5":10,"rlj5":11,
"laj4":20,"raj4":21,"llj7":22,"rlj7":23 }
# Fix symmetry issues 1a/4 (identification)
FIX_PERCEPTOR_SET = {'rlj2','rlj6','raj2','laj3','laj4'}
FIX_INDICES_LIST = [5,13,17,18,20]
# Recommended height for unofficial beam (near ground)
BEAM_HEIGHTS = [0.4, 0.43, 0.4, 0.46, 0.4]
def __init__(self, unum:int, robot_type:int) -> None:
robot_xml = "nao"+str(robot_type)+".xml" # Typical NAO file name
self.type = robot_type
self.beam_height = Robot.BEAM_HEIGHTS[robot_type]
self.no_of_joints = 24 if robot_type == 4 else 22
#Fix symmetry issues 1b/4 (identification)
self.FIX_EFFECTOR_MASK = np.ones(self.no_of_joints)
2024-05-06 21:57:43 +08:00
self.dribbling_state = "Out"
2024-05-06 19:33:33 +08:00
self.body_parts = dict() # keys='body part names' (given by the robot's XML), values='Body_Part objects'
self.unum = unum # Robot's uniform number
self.gyro = np.zeros(3) # Angular velocity along the three axes of freedom of the robot's torso (deg/s)
self.acc = np.zeros(3) # Proper acceleration along the three axes of freedom of the robot's torso (m/s2)
self.frp = dict() # foot "lf"/"rf", toe "lf1"/"rf1" resistance perceptor (relative [p]oint of origin + [f]orce vector) e.g. {"lf":(px,py,pz,fx,fy,fz)}
self.feet_toes_last_touch = {"lf":0,"rf":0,"lf1":0,"rf1":0} # foot "lf"/"rf", toe "lf1"/"rf1" World.time_local_ms when foot/toe last touched any surface
self.feet_toes_are_touching = {"lf":False,"rf":False,"lf1":False,"rf1":False} # foot "lf"/"rf", toe "lf1"/"rf1" True if touching in last received server message
self.fwd_kinematics_list = None # List of body parts, ordered according to dependencies
self.rel_cart_CoM_position = np.zeros(3) # Center of Mass position, relative to head, in cartesian coordinates (m)
# Joint variables are optimized for performance / array operations
self.joints_position = np.zeros(self.no_of_joints) # Joints' angular position (deg)
self.joints_speed = np.zeros(self.no_of_joints) # Joints' angular speed (rad/s)
self.joints_target_speed = np.zeros(self.no_of_joints) # Joints' target speed (rad/s) (max: 6.1395 rad/s, see rcssserver3d/data/rsg/agent/nao/hingejoint.rsg)
self.joints_target_last_speed = np.zeros(self.no_of_joints) # Joints' last target speed (rad/s) (max: 6.1395 rad/s, see rcssserver3d/data/rsg/agent/nao/hingejoint.rsg)
self.joints_info = [None] * self.no_of_joints # Joints' constant information (see class Joint_Info)
self.joints_transform = [Matrix_4x4() for _ in range(self.no_of_joints)] # Joints' transformation matrix
# Localization variables relative to head
self.loc_head_to_field_transform = Matrix_4x4() # Transformation matrix from head to field
self.loc_field_to_head_transform = Matrix_4x4() # Transformation matrix from field to head
self.loc_rotation_head_to_field = Matrix_3x3() # Rotation matrix from head to field
self.loc_rotation_field_to_head = Matrix_3x3() # Rotation matrix from field to head
self.loc_head_position = np.zeros(3) # Absolute head position (m)
self.loc_head_position_history = deque(maxlen=40)# Absolute head position history (queue with up to 40 old positions at intervals of 0.04s, where index 0 is the previous position)
self.loc_head_velocity = np.zeros(3) # Absolute head velocity (m/s) (Warning: possibly noisy)
self.loc_head_orientation = 0 # Head orientation (deg)
self.loc_is_up_to_date = False # False if this is not a visual step, or not enough elements are visible
self.loc_last_update = 0 # World.time_local_ms when the localization was last updated
self.loc_head_position_last_update = 0 # World.time_local_ms when loc_head_position was last updated by vision or radio
self.radio_fallen_state = False # True if (radio says we fell) and (radio is significantly more recent than loc)
self.radio_last_update = 0 # World.time_local_ms when radio_fallen_state was last updated (and possibly loc_head_position)
# Localization variables relative to torso
self.loc_torso_to_field_rotation = Matrix_3x3() # Rotation matrix from torso to field
self.loc_torso_to_field_transform = Matrix_4x4() # Transformation matrix from torso to field
self.loc_torso_roll = 0 # Torso roll (deg)
self.loc_torso_pitch = 0 # Torso pitch (deg)
self.loc_torso_orientation = 0 # Torso orientation (deg)
self.loc_torso_inclination = 0 # Torso inclination (deg) (inclination of z-axis in relation to field z-axis)
self.loc_torso_position = np.zeros(3) # Absolute torso position (m)
self.loc_torso_velocity = np.zeros(3) # Absolute torso velocity (m/s)
self.loc_torso_acceleration = np.zeros(3) # Absolute Coordinate acceleration (m/s2)
# Other localization variables
self.cheat_abs_pos = np.zeros(3) # Absolute head position provided by the server as cheat (m)
self.cheat_ori = 0.0 # Absolute head orientation provided by the server as cheat (deg)
self.loc_CoM_position = np.zeros(3) # Absolute CoM position (m)
self.loc_CoM_velocity = np.zeros(3) # Absolute CoM velocity (m/s)
# Localization special variables
self.loc_head_z is often equivalent to self.loc_head_position[2], but sometimes it differs.
There are situations in which the rotation and translation cannot be computed,
but the z-coordinate can still be found through vision, in which case:
self.loc_is_up_to_date is False
self.loc_head_z_is_up_to_date is True
It should be used in applications which rely on z as an independent coordinate, such
as detecting if the robot has fallen, or as an observation for machine learning.
It should NEVER be used for 3D transformations.
self.loc_head_z = 0 # Absolute head position (z) - see above for explanation (m)
self.loc_head_z_is_up_to_date = False # False if this is not a visual step, or not enough elements are visible
self.loc_head_z_last_update = 0 # World.time_local_ms when loc_head_z was last computed
self.loc_head_z_vel = 0 # Absolute head velocity (z) (m/s)
# Localization + Gyroscope
# These variables are reliable. The gyroscope is used to update the rotation when waiting for the next visual cycle
self.imu_torso_roll = 0 # Torso roll (deg) (src: Localization + Gyro)
self.imu_torso_pitch = 0 # Torso pitch (deg) (src: Localization + Gyro)
self.imu_torso_orientation = 0 # Torso orientation (deg) (src: Localization + Gyro)
self.imu_torso_inclination = 0 # Torso inclination (deg) (src: Localization + Gyro)
self.imu_torso_to_field_rotation = Matrix_3x3() # Rotation matrix from torso to field (src: Localization + Gyro)
self.imu_last_visual_update = 0 # World.time_local_ms when the IMU data was last updated with visual information
# Localization + Gyroscope + Accelerometer
# Warning: these variables are unreliable, since small errors in the Localization Orientation lead to
# wrong acceleration -> wrong velocity -> wrong position
self.imu_weak_torso_to_field_transform = Matrix_4x4() # Transformation matrix from torso to field (src: Localization + Gyro + Acc)
self.imu_weak_head_to_field_transform = Matrix_4x4() # Transformation matrix from head to field (src: Localization + Gyro + Acc)
self.imu_weak_field_to_head_transform = Matrix_4x4() # Transformation matrix from field to head (src: Localization + Gyro + Acc)
self.imu_weak_torso_position = np.zeros(3) # Absolute torso position (m) (src: Localization + Gyro + Acc)
self.imu_weak_torso_velocity = np.zeros(3) # Absolute torso velocity (m/s) (src: Localization + Gyro + Acc)
self.imu_weak_torso_acceleration = np.zeros(3) # Absolute torso acceleration (m/s2) (src: Localization + Gyro + Acc)
self.imu_weak_torso_next_position = np.zeros(3) # Absolute position in next step estimate (m) (src: Localization + Gyro + Acc)
self.imu_weak_torso_next_velocity = np.zeros(3) # Absolute velocity in next step estimate (m/s) (src: Localization + Gyro + Acc)
self.imu_weak_CoM_position = np.zeros(3) # Absolute CoM position (m) (src: Localization + Gyro + Acc)
self.imu_weak_CoM_velocity = np.zeros(3) # Absolute CoM velocity (m/s) (src: Localization + Gyro + Acc)
#Using explicit variables to enable IDE suggestions
self.J_HEAD_YAW = 0
self.J_HEAD_PITCH = 1
self.J_LLEG_ROLL = 4
self.J_RLEG_ROLL = 5
self.J_LLEG_PITCH = 6
self.J_RLEG_PITCH = 7
self.J_LKNEE = 8
self.J_RKNEE = 9
self.J_LFOOT_PITCH = 10
self.J_RFOOT_PITCH = 11
self.J_LFOOT_ROLL = 12
self.J_RFOOT_ROLL = 13
self.J_LARM_PITCH = 14
self.J_RARM_PITCH = 15
self.J_LARM_ROLL = 16
self.J_RARM_ROLL = 17
self.J_LELBOW_YAW = 18
self.J_RELBOW_YAW = 19
self.J_LELBOW_ROLL = 20
self.J_RELBOW_ROLL = 21
self.J_LTOE_PITCH = 22
self.J_RTOE_PITCH = 23
#------------------ parse robot xml
dir = M.get_active_directory("/world/commons/robots/")
robot_xml_root = xmlp.parse(dir + robot_xml).getroot()
joint_no = 0
for child in robot_xml_root:
if child.tag == "bodypart":
self.body_parts[child.attrib['name']] = Body_Part(child.attrib['mass'])
elif child.tag == "joint":
self.joints_info[joint_no] = Joint_Info(child)
self.joints_position[joint_no] = 0.0
ji = self.joints_info[joint_no]
#save joint if body part is 1st anchor (to simplify model traversal in a single direction)
joint_no += 1
if joint_no == self.no_of_joints: break #ignore extra joints
raise NotImplementedError
assert joint_no == self.no_of_joints, "The Robot XML and the robot type don't match!"
def get_head_abs_vel(self, history_steps:int):
Get robot's head absolute velocity (m/s)
history_steps : int
number of history steps to consider [1,40]
get_head_abs_vel(1) is equivalent to (current abs pos - last abs pos) / 0.04
get_head_abs_vel(2) is equivalent to (current abs pos - abs pos 0.08s ago) / 0.08
get_head_abs_vel(3) is equivalent to (current abs pos - abs pos 0.12s ago) / 0.12
assert 1 <= history_steps <= 40, "Argument 'history_steps' must be in range [1,40]"
if len(self.loc_head_position_history) == 0:
return np.zeros(3)
h_step = min(history_steps, len(self.loc_head_position_history))
t = h_step * Robot.VISUALSTEP
return (self.loc_head_position - self.loc_head_position_history[h_step-1]) / t
def _initialize_kinematics(self):
#starting with head
sequential_body_parts = ["head"]
while len(parts) > 0:
part = parts.pop()
for j in self.body_parts[part].joints:
p = self.joints_info[j].anchor1_part
if len(self.body_parts[p].joints) > 0: #add body part if it is the 1st anchor of some joint
self.fwd_kinematics_list = [(self.body_parts[part],j, self.body_parts[self.joints_info[j].anchor1_part] )
for part in sequential_body_parts for j in self.body_parts[part].joints]
#Fix symmetry issues 4/4 (kinematics)
for i in Robot.FIX_INDICES_LIST:
self.joints_info[i].axes *= -1
aux = self.joints_info[i].min
self.joints_info[i].min = -self.joints_info[i].max
self.joints_info[i].max = -aux
def update_localization(self, localization_raw, time_local_ms):
# parse raw data
loc = localization_raw.astype(float) #32bits to 64bits for consistency
self.loc_is_up_to_date = bool(loc[32])
self.loc_head_z_is_up_to_date = bool(loc[34])
if self.loc_head_z_is_up_to_date:
time_diff = (time_local_ms - self.loc_head_z_last_update) / 1000
self.loc_head_z_vel = (loc[33] - self.loc_head_z) / time_diff
self.loc_head_z = loc[33]
self.loc_head_z_last_update = time_local_ms
# Save last position to history at every vision cycle (even if not up to date) (update_localization is only called at vision cycles)
if self.loc_is_up_to_date:
time_diff = (time_local_ms - self.loc_last_update) / 1000
self.loc_last_update = time_local_ms
self.loc_head_to_field_transform.m[:] = loc[0:16].reshape((4,4))
self.loc_field_to_head_transform.m[:] = loc[16:32].reshape((4,4))
# extract data (related to the robot's head)
self.loc_rotation_head_to_field = self.loc_head_to_field_transform.get_rotation()
self.loc_rotation_field_to_head = self.loc_field_to_head_transform.get_rotation()
p = self.loc_head_to_field_transform.get_translation()
self.loc_head_velocity = (p - self.loc_head_position) / time_diff
self.loc_head_position = p
self.loc_head_position_last_update = time_local_ms
self.loc_head_orientation = self.loc_head_to_field_transform.get_yaw_deg()
self.radio_fallen_state = False
# extract data (related to the center of mass)
p = self.loc_head_to_field_transform(self.rel_cart_CoM_position)
self.loc_CoM_velocity = (p - self.loc_CoM_position) / time_diff
self.loc_CoM_position = p
# extract data (related to the robot's torso)
t = self.get_body_part_to_field_transform('torso')
self.loc_torso_to_field_transform = t
self.loc_torso_to_field_rotation = t.get_rotation()
self.loc_torso_orientation = t.get_yaw_deg()
self.loc_torso_pitch = t.get_pitch_deg()
self.loc_torso_roll = t.get_roll_deg()
self.loc_torso_inclination = t.get_inclination_deg()
p = t.get_translation()
self.loc_torso_velocity = (p - self.loc_torso_position) / time_diff
self.loc_torso_position = p
self.loc_torso_acceleration = self.loc_torso_to_field_rotation.multiply(self.acc) + Robot.GRAVITY
def head_to_body_part_transform(self, body_part_name, coords, is_batch=False):
If coord is a vector or list of vectors:
Convert cartesian coordinates that are relative to head to coordinates that are relative to a body part
If coord is a Matrix_4x4 or a list of Matrix_4x4:
Convert pose that is relative to head to a pose that is relative to a body part
body_part_name : `str`
name of body part (given by the robot's XML)
coords : array_like
One 3D position or list of 3D positions
is_batch : `bool`
Indicates if coords is a batch of 3D positions
coord : `list` or ndarray
A numpy array is returned if is_batch is False, otherwise, a list of arrays is returned
head_to_bp_transform : Matrix_4x4 = self.body_parts[body_part_name].transform.invert()
if is_batch:
return [head_to_bp_transform(c) for c in coords]
return head_to_bp_transform(coords)
def get_body_part_to_field_transform(self, body_part_name) -> Matrix_4x4:
Computes the transformation matrix from body part to field, from which we can extract its absolute position and rotation.
For best results, use this method when self.loc_is_up_to_date is True. Otherwise, the forward kinematics
will not be synced with the localization data and strange results may occur.
return self.loc_head_to_field_transform.multiply(self.body_parts[body_part_name].transform)
def get_body_part_abs_position(self, body_part_name) -> np.ndarray:
Computes the absolute position of a body part considering the localization data and forward kinematics.
For best results, use this method when self.loc_is_up_to_date is True. Otherwise, the forward kinematics
will not be synced with the localization data and strange results may occur.
return self.get_body_part_to_field_transform(body_part_name).get_translation()
def get_joint_to_field_transform(self, joint_index) -> Matrix_4x4:
Computes the transformation matrix from joint to field, from which we can extract its absolute position and rotation.
For best results, use this method when self.loc_is_up_to_date is True. Otherwise, the forward kinematics
will not be synced with the localization data and strange results may occur.
return self.loc_head_to_field_transform.multiply(self.joints_transform[joint_index])
def get_joint_abs_position(self, joint_index) -> np.ndarray:
Computes the absolute position of a joint considering the localization data and forward kinematics.
For best results, use this method when self.loc_is_up_to_date is True. Otherwise, the forward kinematics
will not be synced with the localization data and strange results may occur.
return self.get_joint_to_field_transform(joint_index).get_translation()
def update_pose(self):
if self.fwd_kinematics_list is None:
for body_part, j, child_body_part in self.fwd_kinematics_list:
ji = self.joints_info[j]
self.joints_transform[j].m[:] = body_part.transform.m
self.joints_transform[j].translate(ji.anchor0_axes, True)
child_body_part.transform.m[:] = self.joints_transform[j].m
child_body_part.transform.rotate_deg(ji.axes, self.joints_position[j], True)
child_body_part.transform.translate(ji.anchor1_axes_neg, True)
self.rel_cart_CoM_position = np.average([b.transform.get_translation() for b in self.body_parts.values()], 0,
[b.mass for b in self.body_parts.values()])
def update_imu(self, time_local_ms):
# update IMU
if self.loc_is_up_to_date:
self.imu_torso_roll = self.loc_torso_roll
self.imu_torso_pitch = self.loc_torso_pitch
self.imu_torso_orientation = self.loc_torso_orientation
self.imu_torso_inclination = self.loc_torso_inclination
self.imu_torso_to_field_rotation.m[:] = self.loc_torso_to_field_rotation.m
self.imu_weak_torso_to_field_transform.m[:] = self.loc_torso_to_field_transform.m
self.imu_weak_head_to_field_transform.m[:] = self.loc_head_to_field_transform.m
self.imu_weak_field_to_head_transform.m[:] = self.loc_field_to_head_transform.m
self.imu_weak_torso_position[:] = self.loc_torso_position
self.imu_weak_torso_velocity[:] = self.loc_torso_velocity
self.imu_weak_torso_acceleration[:] = self.loc_torso_acceleration
self.imu_weak_torso_next_position = self.loc_torso_position + self.loc_torso_velocity * Robot.STEPTIME + self.loc_torso_acceleration * (0.5 * Robot.SQ_STEPTIME)
self.imu_weak_torso_next_velocity = self.loc_torso_velocity + self.loc_torso_acceleration * Robot.STEPTIME
self.imu_weak_CoM_position[:] = self.loc_CoM_position
self.imu_weak_CoM_velocity[:] = self.loc_CoM_velocity
self.imu_last_visual_update = time_local_ms
g = self.gyro / 50 # convert degrees per second to degrees per step
self.imu_torso_to_field_rotation.multiply( Matrix_3x3.from_rotation_deg(g), in_place=True, reverse_order=True)
self.imu_torso_orientation = self.imu_torso_to_field_rotation.get_yaw_deg()
self.imu_torso_pitch = self.imu_torso_to_field_rotation.get_pitch_deg()
self.imu_torso_roll = self.imu_torso_to_field_rotation.get_roll_deg()
self.imu_torso_inclination = atan(sqrt(tan(self.imu_torso_roll/180*pi)**2+tan(self.imu_torso_pitch/180*pi)**2))*180/pi
# Update position and velocity until 0.2 seconds has passed since last visual update
if time_local_ms < self.imu_last_visual_update + 200:
self.imu_weak_torso_position[:] = self.imu_weak_torso_next_position
if self.imu_weak_torso_position[2] < 0: self.imu_weak_torso_position[2] = 0 # limit z coordinate to positive values
self.imu_weak_torso_velocity[:] = self.imu_weak_torso_next_velocity * Robot.IMU_DECAY # stability tradeoff
self.imu_weak_torso_velocity *= 0.97 # without visual updates for 0.2s, the position is locked, and the velocity decays to zero
# convert proper acceleration to coordinate acceleration and fix rounding bias
self.imu_weak_torso_acceleration = self.imu_torso_to_field_rotation.multiply(self.acc) + Robot.GRAVITY
self.imu_weak_torso_to_field_transform = Matrix_4x4.from_3x3_and_translation(self.imu_torso_to_field_rotation,self.imu_weak_torso_position)
self.imu_weak_head_to_field_transform = self.imu_weak_torso_to_field_transform.multiply(self.body_parts["torso"].transform.invert())
self.imu_weak_field_to_head_transform = self.imu_weak_head_to_field_transform.invert()
p = self.imu_weak_head_to_field_transform(self.rel_cart_CoM_position)
self.imu_weak_CoM_velocity = (p-self.imu_weak_CoM_position)/Robot.STEPTIME
self.imu_weak_CoM_position = p
# Next Position = x0 + v0*t + 0.5*a*t^2, Next velocity = v0 + a*t
self.imu_weak_torso_next_position = self.imu_weak_torso_position + self.imu_weak_torso_velocity * Robot.STEPTIME + self.imu_weak_torso_acceleration * (0.5 * Robot.SQ_STEPTIME)
self.imu_weak_torso_next_velocity = self.imu_weak_torso_velocity + self.imu_weak_torso_acceleration * Robot.STEPTIME
def set_joints_target_position_direct(self,indices,values:np.ndarray,harmonize=True,max_speed=7.03,tolerance=0.012,limit_joints=True) -> int:
Computes the speed of a list of joints, taking as argument the target position
indices : `int`/`list`/`slice`/numpy array
joint indices
values : numpy array
target position for each listed joint index
harmonize : `bool`
if True, all joints reach target at same time
max_speed : `float`
max. speed for all joints in deg/step
Most joints have a maximum speed of 351.77 deg/s according to rcssserver3d/data/rsg/agent/nao/hingejoint.rsg
That translates as 7.0354 deg/step or 6.1395 rad/s
tolerance : `float`
angle error tolerance (in degrees) to return that target was reached (returns -1)
limit_joints : `bool`
limit values to the joints' range of motion
remaining_steps : `int`
predicted number of remaining steps or -1 if target was already reached
(let p[tx] be the joint position at t=x)
Example for return value: moving joint[0] from 0deg to 10deg
pos[t0]: 0, speed[t0]: 7deg/step, ret=2 # target will predictedly be reached in 2 steps
pos[t1]: 7, speed[t1]: 3deg/step, ret=1 # target will predictedly be reached in 1 step (send final action)
pos[t2]: 10, speed[t2]: 0deg/step, ret=0 # target was predictedly already reached
pos[t3]: 10, speed[t3]: 0deg/step, ret=-1 # (best case scenario) server reported with delay, that target was reached (see tolerance)
pos[t?]: 10, speed[t?]: 0deg/step, ret=-1 # if there is friction, it may take some additional steps
If everything worked as predicted we could stop calling this function when ret==1
If we need precision, it is recommended to wait for ret==-1
Example 1:
Joint[2] p[t0]: 0 target pos: 10 -> p[t1]=5, p[t2]=10
Joint[3] p[t0]: 0 target pos: 5 -> p[t1]=2.5, p[t2]=5
Example 2:
Joint[2] p[t0]: 0 target pos: 10 -> p[t1]=7, p[t2]=10
Joint[3] p[t0]: 0 target pos: 5 -> p[t1]=5, p[t2]=5
assert type(values) == np.ndarray, "'values' argument must be a numpy array"
np.nan_to_num(values, copy=False) # Replace NaN with zero and infinity with large finite numbers
# limit range of joints
if limit_joints:
if type(indices) == list or type(indices) == np.ndarray:
for i in range(len(indices)):
values[i] = np.clip(values[i], self.joints_info[indices[i]].min, self.joints_info[indices[i]].max)
elif type(indices) == slice:
info = self.joints_info[indices]
for i in range(len(info)):
values[i] = np.clip(values[i], info[i].min, info[i].max)
else: # int
values[0] = np.clip(values[0], self.joints_info[indices].min, self.joints_info[indices].max)
#predicted_diff: predicted difference between reported position and actual position
predicted_diff = self.joints_target_last_speed[indices] * 1.1459156 #rad/s to deg/step
predicted_diff = np.asarray(predicted_diff)
np.clip(predicted_diff,-7.03,7.03,out=predicted_diff) #saturate predicted movement in-place
#reported_dist: difference between reported position and target position
reported_dist = values - self.joints_position[indices]
if np.all((np.abs(reported_dist) < tolerance)) and np.all((np.abs(predicted_diff) < tolerance)):
self.joints_target_speed[indices] = 0
return -1
deg_per_step = reported_dist - predicted_diff
relative_max = np.max( np.abs(deg_per_step) ) / max_speed
remaining_steps = np.ceil( relative_max )
if remaining_steps == 0:
self.joints_target_speed[indices] = 0
return 0
if harmonize:
deg_per_step /= remaining_steps
np.clip(deg_per_step,-max_speed,max_speed,out=deg_per_step) #limit maximum speed
self.joints_target_speed[indices] = deg_per_step * 0.87266463 #convert to rad/s
return remaining_steps
def get_command(self) -> bytes:
Builds commands string from self.joints_target_speed
j_speed = self.joints_target_speed * self.FIX_EFFECTOR_MASK #Fix symmetry issues 3/4 (effectors)
cmd = "".join(f"({self.joints_info[i].effector} {j_speed[i]:.5f})" for i in range(self.no_of_joints)).encode('utf-8')
self.joints_target_last_speed = self.joints_target_speed #1. both point to the same array
self.joints_target_speed = np.zeros_like(self.joints_target_speed) #2. create new array for joints_target_speed
return cmd