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from agent . Base_Agent import Base_Agent
from math_ops . Math_Ops import Math_Ops as M
import math
import numpy as np
class Agent ( Base_Agent ) :
def __init__ ( self , host : str , agent_port : int , monitor_port : int , unum : int ,
team_name : str , enable_log , enable_draw , wait_for_server = True , is_fat_proxy = False ) - > None :
# define robot type
robot_type = ( 0 , 1 , 1 , 1 , 2 , 3 , 3 , 3 , 4 , 4 , 4 ) [ unum - 1 ]
# Initialize base agent
# Args: Server IP, Agent Port, Monitor Port, Uniform No., Robot Type, Team Name, Enable Log, Enable Draw, play mode correction, Wait for Server, Hear Callback
super ( ) . __init__ ( host , agent_port , monitor_port , unum , robot_type , team_name , enable_log , enable_draw , True , wait_for_server , None )
self . enable_draw = enable_draw
self . state = 0 # 0-Normal, 1-Getting up, 2-Kicking
self . kick_direction = 0
self . kick_distance = 0
self . fat_proxy_cmd = " " if is_fat_proxy else None
self . fat_proxy_walk = np . zeros ( 3 ) # filtered walk parameters for fat proxy
self . init_pos = ( [ - 14 , 0 ] , [ - 9 , - 5 ] , [ - 9 , 0 ] , [ - 9 , 5 ] , [ - 5 , - 5 ] , [ - 5 , 0 ] , [ - 5 , 5 ] , [ - 1 , - 6 ] , [ - 1 , - 2.5 ] , [ - 1 , 2.5 ] , [ - 1 , 6 ] ) [ unum - 1 ] # initial formation
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def dribble ( self , target_2d = ( 15 , 0 ) , avoid_obstacles = True ) :
if avoid_obstacles :
next_pos , next_rel_ori = self . path_manager . get_dribble_path ( optional_2d_target = target_2d )
else :
distance_to_final_target = np . linalg . norm ( target_2d - self . loc_head_position [ : 2 ] )
return self . behavior . execute ( " Dribble " , next_rel_ori ,
False ) # Args: target, is_target_abs, ori, is_ori_abs, distance
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def beam ( self , avoid_center_circle = False ) :
r = self . world . robot
pos = self . init_pos [ : ] # copy position list
self . state = 0
# Avoid center circle by moving the player back
if avoid_center_circle and np . linalg . norm ( self . init_pos ) < 2.5 :
pos [ 0 ] = - 2.3
if np . linalg . norm ( pos - r . loc_head_position [ : 2 ] ) > 0.1 or self . behavior . is_ready ( " Get_Up " ) :
self . scom . commit_beam ( pos , M . vector_angle ( ( - pos [ 0 ] , - pos [ 1 ] ) ) ) # beam to initial position, face coordinate (0,0)
else :
if self . fat_proxy_cmd is None : # normal behavior
self . behavior . execute ( " Zero_Bent_Knees_Auto_Head " )
else : # fat proxy behavior
self . fat_proxy_cmd + = " (proxy dash 0 0 0) "
self . fat_proxy_walk = np . zeros ( 3 ) # reset fat proxy walk
def move ( self , target_2d = ( 0 , 0 ) , orientation = None , is_orientation_absolute = True ,
avoid_obstacles = True , priority_unums = [ ] , is_aggressive = False , timeout = 3000 ) :
Walk to target position
- - - - - - - - - -
target_2d : array_like
2 D target in absolute coordinates
orientation : float
absolute or relative orientation of torso , in degrees
set to None to go towards the target ( is_orientation_absolute is ignored )
is_orientation_absolute : bool
True if orientation is relative to the field , False if relative to the robot ' s torso
avoid_obstacles : bool
True to avoid obstacles using path planning ( maybe reduce timeout arg if this function is called multiple times per simulation cycle )
priority_unums : list
list of teammates to avoid ( since their role is more important )
is_aggressive : bool
if True , safety margins are reduced for opponents
timeout : float
restrict path planning to a maximum duration ( in microseconds )
r = self . world . robot
if self . fat_proxy_cmd is not None : # fat proxy behavior
self . fat_proxy_move ( target_2d , orientation , is_orientation_absolute ) # ignore obstacles
if avoid_obstacles :
target_2d , _ , distance_to_final_target = self . path_manager . get_path_to_target (
target_2d , priority_unums = priority_unums , is_aggressive = is_aggressive , timeout = timeout )
else :
distance_to_final_target = np . linalg . norm ( target_2d - r . loc_head_position [ : 2 ] )
self . behavior . execute ( " Walk " , target_2d , True , orientation , is_orientation_absolute , distance_to_final_target ) # Args: target, is_target_abs, ori, is_ori_abs, distance
def kick ( self , kick_direction = None , kick_distance = None , abort = False , enable_pass_command = False ) :
Walk to ball and kick
- - - - - - - - - -
kick_direction : float
kick direction , in degrees , relative to the field
kick_distance : float
kick distance in meters
abort : bool
True to abort .
The method returns True upon successful abortion , which is immediate while the robot is aligning itself .
However , if the abortion is requested during the kick , it is delayed until the kick is completed .
avoid_pass_command : bool
When False , the pass command will be used when at least one opponent is near the ball
- - - - - - -
finished : bool
Returns True if the behavior finished or was successfully aborted .
if self . min_opponent_ball_dist < 1.45 and enable_pass_command :
self . scom . commit_pass_command ( )
self . kick_direction = self . kick_direction if kick_direction is None else kick_direction
self . kick_distance = self . kick_distance if kick_distance is None else kick_distance
if self . fat_proxy_cmd is None : # normal behavior
return self . behavior . execute ( " Basic_Kick " , self . kick_direction , abort ) # Basic_Kick has no kick distance control
else : # fat proxy behavior
return self . fat_proxy_kick ( )
def think_and_send ( self ) :
w = self . world
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r = self . world . robot
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my_head_pos_2d = r . loc_head_position [ : 2 ]
my_ori = r . imu_torso_orientation
ball_2d = w . ball_abs_pos [ : 2 ]
ball_vec = ball_2d - my_head_pos_2d
ball_dir = M . vector_angle ( ball_vec )
ball_dist = np . linalg . norm ( ball_vec )
ball_sq_dist = ball_dist * ball_dist # for faster comparisons
ball_speed = np . linalg . norm ( w . get_ball_abs_vel ( 6 ) [ : 2 ] )
behavior = self . behavior
goal_dir = M . target_abs_angle ( ball_2d , ( 15.05 , 0 ) )
path_draw_options = self . path_manager . draw_options
PM = w . play_mode
PM_GROUP = w . play_mode_group
#--------------------------------------- 1. Preprocessing
slow_ball_pos = w . get_predicted_ball_pos ( 0.5 ) # predicted future 2D ball position when ball speed <= 0.5 m/s
# list of squared distances between teammates (including self) and slow ball (sq distance is set to 1000 in some conditions)
teammates_ball_sq_dist = [ np . sum ( ( p . state_abs_pos [ : 2 ] - slow_ball_pos ) * * 2 ) # squared distance between teammate and ball
if p . state_last_update != 0 and ( w . time_local_ms - p . state_last_update < = 360 or p . is_self ) and not p . state_fallen
else 1000 # force large distance if teammate does not exist, or its state info is not recent (360 ms), or it has fallen
for p in w . teammates ]
# list of squared distances between opponents and slow ball (sq distance is set to 1000 in some conditions)
opponents_ball_sq_dist = [ np . sum ( ( p . state_abs_pos [ : 2 ] - slow_ball_pos ) * * 2 ) # squared distance between teammate and ball
if p . state_last_update != 0 and w . time_local_ms - p . state_last_update < = 360 and not p . state_fallen
else 1000 # force large distance if opponent does not exist, or its state info is not recent (360 ms), or it has fallen
for p in w . opponents ]
min_teammate_ball_sq_dist = min ( teammates_ball_sq_dist )
self . min_teammate_ball_dist = math . sqrt ( min_teammate_ball_sq_dist ) # distance between ball and closest teammate
self . min_opponent_ball_dist = math . sqrt ( min ( opponents_ball_sq_dist ) ) # distance between ball and closest opponent
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if r . dribbling_state == " In " :
active_player_unum = r . unum
else :
active_player_unum = teammates_ball_sq_dist . index ( min_teammate_ball_sq_dist ) + 1
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#--------------------------------------- 2. Decide action
if PM == w . M_GAME_OVER :
self . beam ( )
self . beam ( True ) # avoid center circle
elif self . state == 1 or ( behavior . is_ready ( " Get_Up " ) and self . fat_proxy_cmd is None ) :
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r . dribbling_state = " Out "
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self . state = 0 if behavior . execute ( " Get_Up " ) else 1 # return to normal state if get up behavior has finished
elif PM == w . M_OUR_KICKOFF :
if r . unum == 9 :
self . kick ( 120 , 3 ) # no need to change the state when PM is not Play On
else :
self . move ( self . init_pos , orientation = ball_dir ) # walk in place
elif PM == w . M_THEIR_KICKOFF :
self . move ( self . init_pos , orientation = ball_dir ) # walk in place
elif active_player_unum != r . unum : # I am not the active player
if r . unum == 1 : # I am the goalkeeper
self . move ( self . init_pos , orientation = ball_dir ) # walk in place
else :
# compute basic formation position based on ball position
new_x = max ( 0.5 , ( ball_2d [ 0 ] + 15 ) / 15 ) * ( self . init_pos [ 0 ] + 15 ) - 15
if self . min_teammate_ball_dist < self . min_opponent_ball_dist :
new_x = min ( new_x + 3.5 , 13 ) # advance if team has possession
self . move ( ( new_x , self . init_pos [ 1 ] ) , orientation = ball_dir , priority_unums = [ active_player_unum ] )
else : # I am the active player
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path_draw_options ( enable_obstacles = True , enable_path = True , use_team_drawing_channel = True ) # enable path drawings for active player (ignored if self.enable_draw is False)
enable_pass_command = ( PM == w . M_PLAY_ON and ball_2d [ 0 ] < 6 )
if r . unum == 1 and PM_GROUP == w . MG_THEIR_KICK : # goalkeeper during their kick
self . move ( self . init_pos , orientation = ball_dir ) # walk in place
if PM == w . M_OUR_CORNER_KICK :
self . kick ( - np . sign ( ball_2d [ 1 ] ) * 95 , 5.5 ) # kick the ball into the space in front of the opponent's goal
# no need to change the state when PM is not Play On
elif self . min_opponent_ball_dist + 0.5 < self . min_teammate_ball_dist : # defend if opponent is considerably closer to the ball
if self . state == 2 : # commit to kick while aborting
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self . dribble ( )
r . dribbling_state = " In "
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else : # move towards ball, but position myself between ball and our goal
self . move ( slow_ball_pos + M . normalize_vec ( ( - 16 , 0 ) - slow_ball_pos ) * 0.2 , is_aggressive = True )
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r . dribbling_state = " Out "
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else :
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self . dribble ( )
r . dribbling_state = " In "
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path_draw_options ( enable_obstacles = False , enable_path = False ) # disable path drawings
#--------------------------------------- 3. Broadcast
self . radio . broadcast ( )
#--------------------------------------- 4. Send to server
if self . fat_proxy_cmd is None : # normal behavior
self . scom . commit_and_send ( r . get_command ( ) )
else : # fat proxy behavior
self . scom . commit_and_send ( self . fat_proxy_cmd . encode ( ) )
self . fat_proxy_cmd = " "
#---------------------- annotations for debugging
if self . enable_draw :
d = w . draw
if active_player_unum == r . unum :
d . point ( slow_ball_pos , 3 , d . Color . pink , " status " , False ) # predicted future 2D ball position when ball speed <= 0.5 m/s
d . point ( w . ball_2d_pred_pos [ - 1 ] , 5 , d . Color . pink , " status " , False ) # last ball prediction
d . annotation ( ( * my_head_pos_2d , 0.6 ) , " I ' ve got it! " , d . Color . yellow , " status " )
else :
d . clear ( " status " )
#--------------------------------------- Fat proxy auxiliary methods
def fat_proxy_kick ( self ) :
w = self . world
r = self . world . robot
ball_2d = w . ball_abs_pos [ : 2 ]
my_head_pos_2d = r . loc_head_position [ : 2 ]
if np . linalg . norm ( ball_2d - my_head_pos_2d ) < 0.25 :
# fat proxy kick arguments: power [0,10]; relative horizontal angle [-180,180]; vertical angle [0,70]
self . fat_proxy_cmd + = f " (proxy kick 10 { M . normalize_deg ( self . kick_direction - r . imu_torso_orientation ) : .2f } 20) "
self . fat_proxy_walk = np . zeros ( 3 ) # reset fat proxy walk
return True
else :
self . fat_proxy_move ( ball_2d - ( - 0.1 , 0 ) , None , True ) # ignore obstacles
return False
def fat_proxy_move ( self , target_2d , orientation , is_orientation_absolute ) :
r = self . world . robot
target_dist = np . linalg . norm ( target_2d - r . loc_head_position [ : 2 ] )
target_dir = M . target_rel_angle ( r . loc_head_position [ : 2 ] , r . imu_torso_orientation , target_2d )
if target_dist > 0.1 and abs ( target_dir ) < 8 :
self . fat_proxy_cmd + = ( f " (proxy dash { 100 } { 0 } { 0 } ) " )
if target_dist < 0.1 :
if is_orientation_absolute :
orientation = M . normalize_deg ( orientation - r . imu_torso_orientation )
target_dir = np . clip ( orientation , - 60 , 60 )
self . fat_proxy_cmd + = ( f " (proxy dash { 0 } { 0 } { target_dir : .1f } ) " )
else :
self . fat_proxy_cmd + = ( f " (proxy dash { 20 } { 0 } { target_dir : .1f } ) " )